
これはどういうことですか?「And in the same cabinet, by-the-way, I had the pleasure of contemplating a picture of a different kind--that pretty American girl whom you pointed out to me last week."」

これはどういうことですか?his friend narrated that the pretty American girl-prettier than ever- was seated with a companion in the secluded nook in which the great papal portrait is enshrined.

これはどういうことですか?he was angry at finding himself reduced to chopping logic about this young lady; he was vexed at his want of instinctive certitude as to how far her eccentricities were generic, national, and how far they were personal.

これはどういうことですか?She was a young lady whom a gentleman need no longer be at pains to respect.

なぜ顔が赤くなったのですか?Daisy was looking at him intently; she began to color. "

なぜこの描写をしたのですか?「The western sun in the opposite sky sent out a brilliant shaft through a couple of cloud-bars;」

as they did in the Golden Age について ギリシャ時代の黄金時代とはどのような時代でしたか?

「あなたはとても素敵な女の子ですが、私はあなたが私とだけ浮気してくれるといいのです。」 "You're a very nice girl, but I wish you would flirt with me, and me only,"

これはどういうことですか?"Well, he looks at us as one of the old lions or tigers may have looked at the Christian martyrs!"拷問したのはだれですか?日本人ですか?


これはどういうことですか?He was still more perplexed, for this inconsequent smile made nothing clear, though it seemed to prove, indeed, that she had a sweetness and softness that reverted instinctively to the pardon of offences.

当時のアメリカ人女性の気質として軽薄な女性は標準ですか?that she would prove a very light young person.

これはどういうことですか?How did Miss Daisy Miller know that there was a charmer in Geneva?

これはどういうことですか?You are like the infant Hannibal,

Winterbourne was impatient to see her again, and he was vexed with himself that, by instinct, he should not appreciate her justly.ウィンターボーンは彼女に再び会いたくてたまりませんでしたが、本能的に彼女を正当に評価できないことに自分で苛立っていました。

He's only nine. He's going to college. とありますが、9歳で大学にいくことはどういう状況ですか?

何故確信できるのですか?「"I'm sure Mr. Winterbourne wants to take me," Dais declared. "He's soawfully devoted!"」

これは どういう表現ですか But, my dear aunt, she is not, after all, a Comanche savage 彼女はコマンチ族の野蛮人ではありません。

カルヴァン主義の小都市とは具体的にどのような事か? カルバン主義とは ロシア正教徒の違い 共通点

Many of these he had kept, and they were a source of great satisfaction to him. 彼はそのうちの多くを保持しており、それらは彼に大きな満足感をもたらしていました。 アメリカのキャンディが一番おいしいんだ。それはなぜですか?