
これはどういうことですか?「And in the same cabinet, by-the-way, I had the pleasure of contemplating a picture of a different kind--that pretty American girl whom you pointed out to me last week."」

I think it is really not absolutely impossible that the courier introduced him. He is evidently immensely charmed with Miss Miller. If she thinks him the finest gentleman in the world, he, on his side, has never found himself in personal contact with such splendor, such opulence, such expensiveness, as this young lady's. And then she must seem to him wonderfully pretty and interesting. I rather doubt whether he dreams of marrying her. That must appear to him too impossible a piece of luck. He has nothing but his handsome face to offer, and there is a substantial Mr. Miller in that mysterious land of dollars. Giovanelli knows that he hasn't a title to offer. If he were only a count or a marchese!* He must wonder at his luck at the way they have taken him up: "He accounts for it by his handsome face, and thinks Miss Miller a young lady qui se passe ses fantasies!"S said Mrs. Costello. "It is very true," Winterbourne pursued, "that Daisy and her mamma have not yet risen to that stage of--what shall I call it?--of culture, at which the idea of catching a count or a marchese begins. I believe that they are intellectually incapable of that conception.' " "Ah! but the cavalier can't believe it," said Mrs. Costello. Of the observation excited by Daisy's "intrigue, " Winterbourne gathered that day at St. Peter's sufficient evidence. A dozen of the American colonists in Rome came to talk with Mrs. Costello, who sat on a little portable stool at the base of one of the great pilasters. The vesper-service was going forward in splendid chants and organ-tones in the adjacent choir, and meanwhile, between Mrs. Costello and her friends, there was a great deal said about poor little Miss Miller's going really "too far." Winterbourne was not pleased with what he heard; but when, coming out upon the great steps of the church, he saw Daisy, who had emerged before him, get into an open cab with her accomplice and roll away through the cynical streets of Rome, he could not deny to himself that she was going very far indeed. He felt very sorry for her-not exactly that he believed that she had completely lost her head, but because it was painful to hear so much that was pretty and unde-fended and natural assigned to a vulgar place among the categories of disor-der. He made an attempt after this to give a hint to Mrs. Miller. He met one day in the Corso a friend- a tourist like himself--who had just come out of the Doria Palace, where he had been walking through the beautiful gallery. His friend talked for a moment about the superb portrait of Innocent X. by Velasquez, which hangs in one of the cabinets of the palace, and then said, "And in the same cabinet, by-the-way, I had the pleasure of contemplating a picture of a different kind--that pretty American girl whom you pointed out to me last week." In answer to Winterbourne's inquiries, his friend narrated that the pretty American girl-prettier than ever--was seated with a companion in the secluded nook in which the great papal portrait is enshrined. "Who was her companion?" asked Winterbourne. " little Italian with a bouquet in his button-hole. The girl is delightfully pretty, but I thought I understood from you the other day that she was a young lady of the better society.







デイジーの「恋愛」が引き起こす観察について、ウィンターボーンはその日、セント・ピーターズで充分な証拠を集めました。ローマのアメリカ人植民者の数人が、大きな柱の基部にある小さな携帯用のスツールに座っているミセス・コステロと話しに来ました。隣の聖歌隊で壮大な聖歌とオルガンの音楽が進行中で、その間、ミセス・コステロと彼女の友人たちの間では、小さなミス・ミラーが「本当に行き過ぎている」という話題がたくさん出ていました。ウィンターボーンは聞いたことに喜んでいなかったが、セント・ピーターズの大きな階段から出て、彼女の前に現れたデイジーが彼の後ろから出てきた姿を見たとき、彼女は非常に遠くに行ってしまっていることを否定できなかった。彼女のことを完全に取り乱したとは思わないが、美しいもので、防御されていないもので、自然なものを聞いて、乱れた状態のカテゴリーの中で割り当てられることが痛かった。彼はその後、ミス・ミラーにヒントを与えようと努力しました。ある日、コルソで友人と出会いました。彼の友人は彼と同じように観光客で、ちょうどドーリア宮殿から出てきたばかりで、美しいギャラリーを歩いていました。友人は、宮殿の一室に掛かっているベラスケスによるInnocent X.の素晴らしい肖像画について少し話しました。そして、言いました。「同じ部屋に、ちなみに、先週あなたが私に指摘したあのかわいいアメリカの女の子を眺める喜びがありました。」ウィンターボーンの質問に答えて、彼の友人は、そのかわいいアメリカの女の子は以前よりも美しかったが、彼女が側にいる人と一緒に、大教皇の肖像画が祀られている隠れた場所に座っていたと説明しました。




これはどういうことですか?「And in the same cabinet, by-the-way, I had the pleasure of contemplating a picture of a different kind--that pretty American girl whom you pointed out to me last week."」


この文は、ウィンターボーンの友人が語っている内容についてです。友人は、ドーリア宮殿で美術館の一室で「Innocent X.」の肖像画を見た後、同じ部屋で別の種類の絵画を楽しむことができたと言っています。そして、その絵画は「that pretty American girl whom you pointed out to me last week」、つまり、ウィンターボーンが友人に先週指摘した、美しいアメリカ人の女性、デイジーについてのものです。

