
Diversity in education

Diverse learning is being promoted all over the world, and in developed countries, a lot of learning will spread.
However, here in Japan, maintaining the status quo, which is part of Japanese culture, is valued, and the government does not use the government as a weapon to introduce new education. In addition, in Japan, where the population is aging, the reality is that there is not much effort being put into education.
I would like to make use of my study abroad experience to promote diverse education in Japan.
Among the many challenges, there are three things you can do yourself.
The first is to "know the current state of education." It is not that Japan is not learning in a variety of ways. This is because Akita Prefecture and Nagano Prefecture, where I studied abroad, are promoting active learning as usual in the world.
That is why it is important for Japan to know and pass on various ways of learning.
I think the second is to do "reading".
Recently, we are promoting reading by placing the library in the middle of the school, but I am concerned that the number of children who do not have reading comprehension is increasing due to short sentences such as Twitter.


いつも見ている視点より少し違う視点を体感してみませんか? 自分が学生だった頃と、今の学生はどんな違いがあるのか。最先端な学校で学ぶ一人の学生の話です。

N高という「普通の学生」とは少し学んでいることが違う学生の話です。 常に新しいことを学ぶ私の姿勢をまとめたマガジンです。

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