
「レストラン」を英語で説明したら 第10回


Tom: 日本で外食するのは高いですよね?

It's expensive to eat out in Japan , isn't it?


It is expensive if you eat at hotels and fancy restaurants in the big cities.

Tom: どんなホテルへよく行きますか?

What kind of restaurants do you usually eat at, Junko?

Junko: いつもは学校のカフェテリアで食べますが、友達と学校の近くのマクドナルドやデニーズに行きますね。

Mostly I eat at our school cafeteria, but I also go to McDonald's and Denny's near school with my friends.

Tom:  マクドナルドやデニーズの値段はどうですか?

How do you feel about the prices at McDonald's and Denny's?

Junko: 私はそれらがリーズナブルだと思います。それらは、学校のカフェテリアより少し高いかもしれません。

I think they're quite reasonable. They may be a little more expensive than at the school cafeteria, though.

Tom: 以前東京のホテルで、レシートを見て2人で250ドルだったのにびっくりしました。

Once at a hotel restaurant in Tokyo, I was shocked to see our bill-- about $250.00 for two.


Oh, that's not unusual. But wasn't the food good.

Tom: おいしかったですが、高すぎました。

It was great , but too expensive.

Junko: 日本の伝統的なお店はもっとずっと高いそうですが、私は行ったことがありません。

I hear some traditional Japanese restaurants are much more expensive, but I have never been to one.


Someone told me about that . I don't think I could ever afford that kind of Japanese restaurant.


Speaking of restaurants in Japan , I can remember the days when I live there.

I used to eat cheap Chinese food at a small place near my apartment.

Junko: それらのレストランは奇麗じゃないけど、気楽でくつろげますね。

Those restaurants aren't fancy but you feel at home.





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