


Should the number of weekly working hours be decreased?


1 People need certain pressure and stress

2 All jobs are humans responsibility which is fixed by law

3 Although technology make it possible to replace human, all new technology is needed human power.

1 人は一定のプレッシャーとストレスを必要とする
2 すべての仕事は法律で定められた人間の責任である
3 技術は人間に置き換えることを可能にするが、すべての新しい技術は人間の力を必要とする

     Historically, civilization has been strongly related to human labor. I believe that the number of weekly working hours should not be decreased. Staying on weekly working hours benefits by giving people incentives to work, responsibility, and technology more developed.


     Primary, people need certain pressure and stress to give rise to their ability sufficiently. Some experts say that non-stressed people and stressful people are equally not able to work more efficiently than certain stressed people. Furthermore, people who work 7 hours are healthier than people who don’t work any time.

      第一に、人は自分の能力を十分に発揮させるために、一定のプレッシャーとストレスを必要とします。一部の専門家は、ストレスを感じていない人もストレスを感じている人も、特定のストレスを感じている人よりも効率的に仕事をすることができないと言っています。さらに、7 時間働く人は、まったく働かない人よりも健康的です。

     Second, all jobs are humans’ responsibility which is fixed by the law. Individually, working is a way of earning money for their lives, however, from a broad perspective, working is an essential role that makes nations more growing and constructed. All citizens must work and pay taxes to the government. Shorter hours of working corrupt the nation.


     Last, although technology makes it possible to be replaced by a human, all new technology is needed human power. In other words, human is never replaced by robots or AI truly. Nowadays, more and more money is gathering for IT companies. Their employees are working hard to make individuals more comfortable and convenient. If new technologies are invented, the same structure can be seen in another part of society.

      最後に、テクノロジーは人間に置き換えることを可能にしますが、すべての新しいテクノロジーには人間の力が必要です。つまり、真に人間がロボットや AI に取って代わられることはありません。現在、IT企業にますます多くのお金が集まっています。彼らの従業員は、個人をより快適で便利にするために一生懸命働いています。新しい技術が発明されれば、同じ構造が社会の別の部分に見られるようになります。

     Decreasing the number of working seems to be a good idea by instance, however, it prevents society from growing surely. I believe that the number of weekly working hours should not be decreased in the future.

