

Bergmann's Rule Falsely Refuted

by Tim Clarey, Ph.D. | May. 23, 2024

A recent study of dinosaur sizes claims to break Bergmann’s rule.1 Bergmann’s rule was named after biologist Carl Bergmann, who in 1847 noticed that warm-blooded animals tended to be larger in cold climates compared to the same animal in a warm climate. Larger body mass tends to help an animal retain more heat, helping animals survive in the cold.
 恐竜のサイズに関する最近の研究では、Bergmannの法則が破られたと主張しています。Bergmannの法則とは、1847年に生物学者Carl Bergmannが、温暖な気候の動物に比べて寒冷地では温血動物が大きくなる傾向があることに気づいたことから名付けられました。体格が大きいと保温力が高くなり、寒冷地でも生き延びやすくなります。

“The fossil record provides a window into completely different ecosystems and climate conditions, allowing us to assess the applicability of these ecological rules in a whole new way,” said Jacob Gardner, a co-author of the new paper.2
 「化石記録は、全く異なる生態系や気候条件への窓を提供してくれるので、これらの生態学的ルールの適用可能性を全く新しい方法で評価することができます。」と、新しい論文の共著者であるJacob Gardner氏は述べています。

Led by scientists from the University of Alaska, the team studied 339 dinosaurs and 62 fossil mammals, placing them at perceived paleolatitudes3 and under assumed climates at the time of burial.1 Some of the dinosaur fossils studied were found in rocks in northernmost Alaska, in contrast to an earlier study that claimed they lived near the North Pole (about 80°–85° north latitude).4 Publishing in Nature Communications, the evolutionary scientists found no compelling evidence to suggest dinosaurs and fossil mammals followed Bergmann’s rule.1 However, the group also studied extant birds and mammals. Here, they found climatic temperatures did indeed have a small effect on body size, following Bergmann’s rule as expected.
 アラスカ大学の科学者を中心とする研究チームは、339体の恐竜と62体の哺乳類の化石を調査し、埋葬された当時の古緯度や気候を想定して配置しました。調査された恐竜化石の一部はアラスカ最北部の岩石から発見されましたが、これは恐竜が北極付近(北緯約80度から85度)に生息していたとする以前の研究とは対照的です。Nature Communicationsに発表された進化科学者たちの報告によると、恐竜と化石哺乳類がBergmannの法則に従ったことを示唆する説得力のある証拠は見つからなかったと報告されています。しかし、研究グループは現存する鳥類や哺乳類も調査しました。その結果、気候温度が体格に及ぼす影響は小さく、Bergmannの法則に従ったものであることがわかりました。

Is this new study sufficient grounds to throw out a 150-year-old biologic rule like the study’s scientists suggest? The answer is no because their results are based on faulty assumptions, making it unlikely they conducted a valid test. They make at least three unverifiable assumptions:

1. The science team assumes there was no global Flood. Conventional scientists disregard the historical accuracy of the book of Genesis and any reference to a catastrophic global Flood. It was the Flood that buried the dinosaurs and mammals outside the Ark, possibly moving them from their original locations.

1. 科学チームは、地球規模の大洪水はなかったと仮定しています。従来の科学者たちは、創世記の歴史的正確さや、壊滅的な地球規模の大洪水に関する記述を無視しています。恐竜や哺乳類を箱舟の外に埋めたのは大洪水であり、恐らく元の場所から移動させたのでしょう。

2. They assume dinosaurs were warm-blooded. There are a lot of published reports that indicate dinosaurs were cold-blooded.5 Cold-blooded dinosaurs likely could not have thrived in extreme cold climates or north of the Arctic Circle as claimed.

2. 彼らは恐竜が温血動物だったと仮定しています。恐竜が冷血であったことを示す報告書は数多く発表されています。冷血動物の恐竜は、極寒の気候や北極圏以北では繁栄できなかった可能性が高いのです。

3. They assume dinosaurs and mammals lived in high latitudes millions of years ago and were found as fossils near where they lived. Dinosaurs found in supposedly polar climates have baffled conventional paleontologists due to the cold conditions they would have faced and the long periods of darkness. Conventional reconstructions place the Alaskan dinosaurs in about 120 days of total darkness each year, making it difficult for any dinosaur to survive.4

3. 彼らは恐竜や哺乳類が数百万年前の高緯度地域に生息しており、それらが生息していた場所の近くで化石として発見されたと仮定しています。極地と思われる気候で発見された恐竜は、彼らが直面したであろう寒冷な環境と長い暗闇の期間のために、従来の古生物学者を困惑させてきました。従来の復元では、アラスカの恐竜は毎年約120日間、真っ暗闇の中にいたとされており、恐竜が生き残るのは困難でした。

In contrast, ICR’s Column Project team has mapped out the megasequences and sedimentary rocks across multiple continents, using actual rock data to reconstruct the pre-Flood land masses and their environments.6 It resulted in a pre-Flood world that resembled Pangaea and was centered at the equator.6 In fact, nearly all land was at latitudes of less than 45° north or south of the equator.

Our reconstruction places the dinosaurs in Alaska at about 35°–40° north in the pre-Flood world—not at 80°–85° where researchers placed them.6 This provides a much more moderate climate where dinosaurs could have thrived.

Because dinosaurs were most likely cold-blooded and never lived at extreme northern latitudes, the evolutionary scientists failed to properly test Bergmann’s rule. Their assumed paleotemperatures are simply erroneous assumptions, invalidating their findings. Most of the pre-Flood world was likely warm and tropical to subtropical based on the fossils we find globally.6 This is why they found no correlation of size to paleotemperature in dinosaurs or mammals. The temperature likely didn’t vary enough to show any body size effect until after the Flood during the Ice Age.

Making poor assumptions leads to poor results. But if we accept the historical accuracy of Genesis, it all makes sense. Jesus had a perfect plan. Dinosaurs were originally in warm and moderate climates. The Flood inundated these dinosaurs with all other creatures outside the Ark, and it’s possible their bones were moved far from their original locations. Bergmann’s rule still appears to be valid.


