

Neanderthal Crab Bake

by Frank Sherwin, D.Sc. (Hon.) | Mar. 9, 2023

The evolutionary science community said it perfectly in their headlines: “Proof that Neanderthals ate crabs is another 'nail in the coffin' for primitive cave dweller stereotypes.”1 That’s the key when it comes to these so-called sub-human primates (as some people would maintain). There’s nothing primitive about them.
Creationists maintain there are monkeys and great apes (orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees), and there are people.2 Neanderthals have always been totally human.3 In fact, Neanderthals and people are more alike than brown and polar bears!4 One science writer recently said, “A study published in Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology shows that 90,000 years ago, these Neanderthals were cooking and eating crabs.”1 While creationists openly question how long ago evolutionists state this event happened, they see Neanderthals seeking, cooking and eating crabs just like any people group today.
 創造論者は、サルや類人猿(オランウータン、ゴリラ、チンパンジー)がいて、人間がいると主張しています。ネアンデルタール人は常に完全な人間でした。 実際、ネアンデルタール人と人間は、ヒグマとホッキョクグマよりも似ているのです!あるサイエンス・ライターは最近、「『Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology』に掲載された研究によると、9万年前、このネアンデルタール人はカニを調理して食べていたことがわかっています」 と述べています。創造論者は、進化論者が言うこの出来事が何年前に起こったかを公然と疑問視しています。創造論者は、ネアンデルタール人が現代の他の民族と同じようにカニを探し、調理して食していたことを確認しています。

The evidence indicated to [Dr. Mariana Nabais of the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES-CERCA), lead author of the study] and her colleagues that Neanderthals weren't just harvesting the crabs, they were roasting them. The black burns on the shells, compared to studies of other mollusks heated at specific temperatures, showed that the crabs were heated at about 300-500 degrees Fahrenheit (150-260 degrees Celsius), typical for cooking. "Our results add an extra nail to the coffin of the obsolete notion that Neanderthals were primitive cave dwellers who could barely scrape a living off scavenged big-game carcasses," said Nabais.1 [emphasis added]
 この証拠から、ネアンデルタール人はカニを収穫するだけでなく、焼いて食べていたことが、研究の主執筆者であるIPHES-CERCA(Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution)のマリアナ・ナバイス博士と彼女の同僚によって確認されています。甲羅の黒い火傷は、特定の温度で加熱した他の軟体動物の研究と比較し、カニが調理に一般的な華氏300~500度(摂氏150~260度)程度で加熱されたことを示しています。
「ネアンデルタール人は原始的な洞窟の住人であり、大型獣の死骸を漁ってやっと生計を立てていたという時代遅れの概念に、私たちの結果はさらに釘を刺すことになります。」とナバイス博士は述べています 。
In fact, evolutionists think these people “may have spiced up menus with wild herbs.”5

The authors cautioned that it was impossible to know why Neanderthals chose to harvest crabs or whether they attached any significance to consuming crabs, but whatever their reasons eating the crabs would have offered meaningful nutritional benefits.1

A cursory look at the popularity (and expense) of seafood today might lead one to surmise that Neanderthals ate crabs...because they taste good?

To conclude, 100% humans gathering together to eat 100% crabs harvested from nearby summer tidal pools, roasted at just the right temperature, possibly spiced up with wild herbs and eaten in the shelter of a cave.

This could have happened last week. When will the evolutionary community get the notion of primitive cave-dwellers out of their mindset? Neanderthals are as human as you and me.

