

Recent measurements by astronomers at the University of Cologne (Germany) and Masaryk University (Brno, or the Czech Republic) have shown that a fast-moving star orbits the heart of our Milky Way galaxy in just four years.1,2 Teasing out this information was an impressive technical feat that required nearly twenty years’ worth of data. This fast-moving star, dubbed S4716, and others like it, are problematic for evolutionary astronomers. 

Astronomers think a supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) is located at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.3 Some stars orbit very closely to Sgr A*. These have been dubbed “S” stars because of their close association to Sgr A*.4 Some of the orbits of these S stars around Sgr A* are shown in this image
 天文学者は、「いて座A*」(Sgr A*)と呼ばれる超大質量のブラックホールが、我々の天の川銀河の中心に位置していると考えています。Sgr A* に非常に近い軌道を回る星もあります。これらは、Sgr A* と密接に関連していることから、「S」星と呼ばれています。この画像(image)に、これらのS星がSgr A*の周りを回る軌道の一部が示されています。
The astronomers were surprised by S4716’s short orbit. Lead author and astrophysicist Floyd Peissker -said, “For a star to be in a stable orbit so close and fast in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole was completely unexpected and marks the limit that can be observed with traditional telescopes.”1 Astrophysicist Michael Zajaček added, “The short-period, compact orbit of S4716 is quite puzzling . . . . Stars cannot form so easily near the black hole. S4716 had to move inwards, for example by approaching other stars and objects in the S cluster, which caused its orbit to shrink significantly.”1
 S4716の軌道の短さに天文学者は驚きました。主執筆者で宇宙物理学者のFloyd Peissker氏は、「超大質量のブラックホールにこれほど接近し、高速で安定した軌道を描く星はまったく予想外であり、従来の望遠鏡で観測できる限界を示しています。」と述べています。さらに天体物理学者のMichael Zajačekも、「S4716の短周期でコンパクトな軌道は非常に不可解です。ブラックホールの近くでは、そう簡単に星はできません。S4716は、S星団内の他の星や天体に接近するなどして、内側へ移動したために、軌道が大きく縮小してしまったと考えられます。」と述べています。
If S4716 could not have formed near Sgr A*, it must have formed farther away and then somehow migrated closer to Sgr A*. But based on the comments above, this seems unlikely. The paper’s authors speculate on mechanisms that could have made this happen, but they acknowledge that their speculation “needs to be verified in more detailed numerical simulations.”2
 もし S4716 が Sgr A* の近くで形成されなかったとすれば、もっと遠くで形成され、何らかの方法で Sgr A* の近くに移動してきたに違いありません。しかし、上記のコメントからすると、その可能性は低そうです。この論文の著者は、このような現象が起こるメカニズムを推測していますが、その推測は、より詳細な数値シミュレーションで検証する必要があることを認めています。
Another star, dubbed S2, or S0-2, orbits the black hole in sixteen years and is also problematic for mainstream theorists. Astronomers think it is a young, hot blue ‘main sequence’ star. But they acknowledge “[i]t is challenging to explain the presence of such a young star in close proximity to a supermassive black hole.”5 By evolutionary reckoning, S2 had to have formed less than 10 million years old. But the strong tidal forces near S2’s present location seem to preclude that it could have formed there.5,6 Could it have formed farther away and then migrated inward? Perhaps, but this process would require a very “efficient” migration process, yet “[c]urrent understanding of the distribution of stars [here], however, does not permit such efficient migration.”5 In other words, the migration process should have taken more than 10 million years, longer than the ‘main sequence’ lifetime of the star! Simply put, by evolutionary reckoning, S2 should not exist.
 S2またはS0-2と呼ばれる別の星は、16年後にブラックホールを回りますが、これも主流の理論家にとっては問題となります。天文学者は、この星が若くて熱い青い「主系列星」だと考えています。しかし、「超大質量のブラックホールに近接した若い星の存在を説明するのは困難です。」とも述べています。進化論的な計算では、S2は1000万年未満で形成されたはずです。しかし、S2 の現在の位置付近には強い潮汐力があるため、そこで形成された可能性はないようです。もっと遠くで形成され、内側に移動していったのでしょうか?しかし、恐らく、このプロセスは非常に「効率的」な移動プロセスを必要とするはずです。しかし、星の分布に関する現在の理解は、そのような効率的な移動を可能にしていません。つまり、この移動プロセスは、星の「主系列」の寿命よりも長い、1,000万年以上かかっているはずなのです。つまり、進化論的な計算では、S2 は存在しないことになります。
Astronomers have suggested other ways to explain S2, but they acknowledge that “[n]one of these possibilities is altogether satisfactory, leaving S0-2 as a paradox of youth in the vicinity of a supermassive black hole.”5
Of course, this doesn’t prove that our Milky Way galaxy is just 6,000 years old, as implied by Scripture, but it is one of numerous “anomalies” and “paradoxes” that suggest the universe is much younger than the age of 13.8 billion years that Big Bang astronomers have assigned to it.7-11
Many creationists think Einstein’s theory of relativity is the key to explaining puzzles like distant starlight in a young universe, as well as processes in deep space that seem to demand long ages.12 Relativity theory raises the possibility that clocks in deep space may have ticked much faster than clocks here on Earth. As measured by clocks on Earth, the entire universe is just 6,000 years old, but as measured by clocks in deep-space, it could be older. Such a possibility does not contradict Scripture, because the days of Creation are clearly measured by clocks here on Earth.13 But even if this is the means God used to get distant starlight to us quickly, evolutionary age assignments still seem greatly inflated.
Evidence of relative youth is especially strong here on Earth and within our solar system. Yet even in deep space, where evidence of great age seems strongest, there are clues that all is not well with the Big Bang ‘story’. This should surprise no one, because our universe is not the result of a ‘Big Bang’, but was created by the Lord Jesus Christ just 6,000 years ago.14,15
