
【英語日記】2023/01④ UK...


Awesome! Guess what? I got a UK VISA approval! I can’t believe it that I will go abroad stay for two years! It's super excited to go to England because this is for the first time. I want to say 'Hello London!’ as soon. But I also have some anxiety, for example, how to find work, where to live in, what to bring to UK and when to comet to UK. I must do everything possible in Japan before the departure. Especially I worried that a critical incident may happen in the day comes. One mistake, one vulnerability can smash my splendid future view of London. Oh gosh, I'm losing my confidence! Maybe I had better to find someone truly capable to depend on since I have had no experience to go abroad. I'm facing the greatest challenge in my life.

2023年1月20日 DeepL先生

すごい!何だと思う?UK VISAの認可が下りたんです。2年間も海外に滞在できるなんて信じられない。イギリスへ行くのは初めてなので、とても楽しみです。早く「ハローロンドン!」と言いたいです。でも、仕事の探し方、住む場所、イギリスに持っていくもの、イギリスに来る時期など、不安もあります。出発までに日本でできることはすべてやっておかなければならない。特に心配なのは、当日になって重大な事故が起こることだ。たった一つのミス、たった一つの弱点が、私のロンドンへの素晴らしい未来への展望を打ち砕くかもしれないのだ。ああ、自信がなくなってきた。海外に出た経験がないのだから、本当に頼れる人を探した方がいいのかもしれない。人生最大の試練に直面しているのだ。


I have been thinking of Love. These days what put me on rage is an attitude of executives. They always appear to be greater than others who work in the downstream job though they are no less different from us. They are behaving as if having absolute authorization to decide using us as a merely manual labor. But in the real, they are the most foolish, misunderstanding and pathetic people. They don't have a love for those who obey them. Basically people are free from everything since you had been born. You may appear to have a lot of limitation but merely it seems so. However executives often command you to deal with totally impossible problems with extraordinary high pressures because they think you are always duty on obeying them. It's very a Harassment! They should turn their stupid ideas into love and pray for labors to work today.

2023年1月21日 DeepL先生



