
5 Business That Will Flourish In 2021

When everyone was welcoming the new year 2020 on the 31st, Dec 2019 little did anyone predict that the year to be will force the world on its knees. Not only did 2020 year change the way we live in but also changed the way we do business and setting new normal for practically everything from handshake to watching movies in a cinema hall.

While some businesses like eCommerce grew exponentially others like the restaurant, medical, exports, fitness etc failed.

Businesses that were selling their stuff online pre COVID19 were also very successful in retaining their clients and tempo.

All the above reasons and new normal have indicated 5 new businesses destined to flourish in 2021.

1.Ecommerce Business ecommerce
The scare of the pandemic among shoppers is still immense and physical shopping from a store has been advised to refrain from in almost the majority of the countries of the world.

This has encouraged online shopping because of which we saw companies like Amazon, Walmart, eBay flourish their business. In fact many Amazon sellers had hired Amazon marketing agency to boost their online sales.

Not only that even stores that were already selling through eCommerce portals never felt the pinch of the pandemic, on the contrary, they made money over their competitors who were not visible online.

2021 will see a lot of eCommerce portals raising their heads to sell both products and services and it will not be surprising to see portals creating their niche in all categories of business. Work from home

2. Products to help digital nomadism
We all have seen and felt the sudden change in the office culture, from everyday office to “work from home culture”. Some felt good and some felt bad however a majority of employees felt good and a sizable number of employers where the place of work does not matter much also felt good. Saving the non-productive commuting hours from home-office-home gave people that time to increase their productivity and improve the quality of life both on the personal and professional front. Employers suddenly felt that office spaces are not entirely necessary to get their job done by their employees and if they can do away with the office culture they can save substantially.Tech products providing solutions to all employers to manage their employees remotely even irrespective of their size will be in demand in 2021

3. Online Tutorialonline tutorial
If I remember schools, colleges and universities were the first to close down with the announcement of the lockdowns in the majority of the countries and which are still closed till date. Not to let their students suffer, nearly all the educational Institutes Have Designed Their Own Different Ways Of Imparting Their Teachings Through Online Mode Using Technology Whichever They Can Afford. Apart From Specific Online Tutorials That Were Imparting Their Training Online Even Before The Onset Of The Pandemic Most Of The Institutes Were Not Geared Up Fully And Others tried to adapt to the new normal with whatever they can lay their hands on.The new online business now referred to as Edu Tech will see a lot of online tutorials coming up to cash the opportunity in 2021. Cloud kitchen4.Cloud kitchen concept Restaurants took the major brunt in this pandemic which saw many new restaurants and others who could notPaytheir employees to shut shop.However with the gradual unlocking of the lockdowns but at the same time acknowledging that their customers are still scared to dine out. directly through their resource.

Most of the restaurants have switched from dine-in facilities to cloud kitchen concept where they do not have to maintain premises and a huge staff but continue to sell and earn profits by investing in digital advertising to be visible to their customers.

5. Digital Marketing Agency business Digital marketing
Needless to say that since most of the future business will be heavily based on technology and the internet, they will need to establish their footprint through digital means. This will give rise to more Digital Marketing Agencies in India And globally and specifically those having expertise in branding and lead generation. Though Digital Marketing is no more an alien word to most businesses but as social media and other electronic media will get more powerful so will Digital Marketing .Businesses that will still tend to follow the traditional way of marketing will miss out on opportunities as more and more of their clients will be active on social media, the internet, and other such digital platforms.All of the above business trends are wholly and solely based on technology development and use. In 2021 Technology will play a significant role as never before across all domains and stages of business. Clients and customers will also plan and affect their buying process through technology only .


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