
第659回: 米国株式市場史上最高値到達、ビットコイン史上最高値間近、日本株謎の挟撃により単独で墜落






























参考3)仮想通貨・ブロックチェーン業界の資金調達活動が活発化 市場回復を受け





参考5)【アメリカ】2024年1Q(1月~3月)US スタートアップ資金調達ランキングTOP10スタートアップメディア「uniqorns(ユニコーンズ)」調査レポート

















要は、暗号通貨はどこまで行っても、通貨、で、技術、なんだな。つまり手段なんだ。どこまで行っても。その通貨(手段)が使えるビジネスモデル、収益モデル、プロフィットモデル、があれば、そのモデルと通貨を組み合わせるだけ。みんな、通貨やエコシステムを創ろうと息巻いてるんですよ。違う。通貨やエコシステムを作るのではなくて、通貨をどの(既存)“ビジネスモデルに当てる”のか、を考えないから、素人から抜けられないのです。通貨を通貨として世界に発出したければ、バイナンスクラスのセンスと天運がないと無理ですよ。それでも、CZ氏という稀有な才能が4ヶ月の禁固刑を食らうくらい、シビアな世界なわけなので、BtoCで戦うならそれなりの覚悟を持った方が良いですよ。美人投票の最たるもんですよ、暗号通貨のBtoC攻略なんてものは。チャンスはBtoBにあります。詳細は内緒だけど。笑 選ばれしビジネスモデルを有している同志の方は、是非お声がけくださいませ。



【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 659:The US stock market has reached an all-time high, Bitcoin is nearing its all-time high, and Japanese stocks have mysteriously plummeted due to a solo attack

U.S. stocks are strong. They are so strong that they have finally reached an all-time high. They are strong to the point where it makes you think, "What is this?" It's crazy strong.

Reference 1) U.S. Stock Market: Hits All-Time High, Hopes for Rate Cut Increase Following CPI Report

As for the big events this week, we had the CPI announcement and retail sales figures. Those concerned about inflation (stagflation) were closely watching the CPI, while those worried about the overall U.S. economy were focused on retail sales. The CPI came in almost as analysts expected, showing a slight restraint in inflation. Retail sales, however, indicated a clear economic slowdown.

Still, these numbers alone don't seem to be strong enough to justify such a bullish market reaction, making it a bit mysterious why stocks are so strong. It might be because there are simply no compelling reasons to sell U.S. stocks at the moment.

Regarding USD/JPY, as repeatedly predicted in this article: (1) There is no possibility other than yen depreciation and dollar appreciation, (2) One must not go against the national policies of Japan and the U.S., and (3) We are in the midst of a major trend aiming for 360 yen, with an initial target of 180 yen. This outlook remains unchanged.

As for Bitcoin, details will be discussed later, but it has started to show a very positive atmosphere and aura. It remains a good time to buy or hold confidently. If readers have been buying Bitcoin continuously, even in small amounts, over the past 2-3 years, it would have doubled through dollar-cost averaging (IRR of over 33% per year). Congratulations on your significant profits. Your gains are expected to continue growing, aiming for the sky (prediction).

The issue lies with Japanese stocks.

Reference 2) [Market conditions] This week's "Quick Stock Market Summary": Rebounding after two weeks, reflecting the rise in U.S. stocks but aware of the heavy resistance at the top.

In conclusion, the Nikkei 225 will rise. As mentioned in the previous column, there are various factors such as the Bank of Japan's debt problem, cabinet approval ratings, the need to manage foreign holdings, and the strong USD/JPY, but ultimately it will rise due to national policy. Therefore, I believe it’s wise to buy at low points. However, it's frustrating to see Japanese stocks decline despite the strength of U.S. stocks.

If the exchange rate were around 153 or 152 yen, I could issue a directive to "unwind positions due to the dangerous combination of stock decline and yen appreciation," but that's not the case.

Japanese stocks tend to fall during Japanese trading hours and rise during after-hours trading. You could buy during the day and sell at night to capture a price difference of about 300 yen per day. However, this flow could change at any time, and the reward does not justify the risk.

Since Japanese stocks are falling during Japanese trading hours and rising during after-hours trading, the possible reasons could be:

・Selling by domestic entities (such as GPIF and other pension funds)
・Foreign investors selling physical stocks
・Other reasons like policy, etc.

Given that it’s unlikely due to policy, it might be due to increased selling by domestic entities or foreign investors hedging by selling physical stocks and buying futures. If it’s the latter, a sudden shift by foreign investors from futures could cause a rapid drop in Japanese stocks, so that’s something to watch out for (in the short term).

Recently, U.S. stocks have been strong while Japanese stocks remain mysteriously weak, and Bitcoin is holding steady. Given this complex situation, today we'll take a comprehensive look at the overall financial markets and cryptocurrency markets. We'll examine how deeply stagflation has penetrated and analyze these strange phenomena in detail. Let's get started.

1.The Wonderland where bad economic news boosts stock prices

Those who actively trade stocks understand that the market is contrarian by nature. Stock prices don't necessarily rise with a strong economy or fall with a weak one. Fundamentally, stock prices are the present value of future corporate profits, so good performance is preferable.

Experienced investors might recognize the adage: "Amateurs open the market, professionals close it." This means morning trades (9 AM for Japanese stocks) are often driven by impulsive investors reacting to market noise, while closing trades (3 PM) are influenced by more informed, strategic decisions.
The morning trades often reflect panic buying or selling based on immediate market fluctuations, while end-of-day trades represent the considered actions of smart money, reflecting broader trends and deeper analysis.

On the other hand, closing trades are often strategic, such as buying or selling in anticipation of future price movements. This smart money approach helps determine the final stock price, or "closing price." Regardless of intraday fluctuations, the price at market close is what counts. Investors trading at the close are seen as making informed decisions, contributing to a more accurate reflection of a stock's value. The closer to the market close, the more likely the stock price represents its true value as evaluated by informed investors.

If the economy improves, stock prices rise, and if the economy worsens, stock prices fall—this would be true if only smart money were involved. However, in reality, the market includes a lot of irrational, impulsive "dumb money" as well. This dumb money also contributes to market liquidity, and understanding its movements is crucial for predicting future stock prices. Therefore, while smart money might make logical decisions based on economic conditions, the presence of dumb money means that stock movements are not always straightforward.

Some may think, "Well, ultimately smart money wins, so even if the economy is good, isn't it okay to keep buying even if stock prices temporarily drop?" That's correct, it's absolutely correct. However, the Wonderland we find ourselves in now is dominated by the concept of a truism, where it's difficult to define whether the economy is good or bad because there's an atmosphere where lowering yields is permitted when the economy worsens, and if yields decrease, inflation may be further suppressed, potentially improving the economy. This leads to extremely obscure criteria for assessing the market's indicators, such as the idea that stock prices rise when the economy worsens because it may improve in the future, making predictions challenging. In fact, determining whether this information is good or bad is very difficult. Keynes, a prominent economist known for his theory of effective demand, once exclaimed that the dynamics of stock investment lie in the beauty contest. However, whether one thinks "Lucky!" when a beauty appears or becomes disheartened thinking, "This person has reached their limit in beauty," varies depending on the individual. Similarly, reactions to an unattractive person can vary greatly, from thinking "Oh no, this is the worst, let's change" to "I'm glad there's potential for improvement through plastic surgery!" It all depends on the interpreter.

Ultimately, the beauty contest operates on a principle where individuals generalize their perception of beauty through public opinion, leading to a never-ending cycle of speculation like, "Those who think that person is beautiful will surely choose this person," implying that this beauty is limited in appeal, so in the end, it must be this person, only to find out that it's actually...". Thus, even the conclusions drawn are not conclusive, resembling more of a forced interpretation, in my humble opinion. In fact, the current market, especially the movement of the stock market, is filled with forced and unreasonable interpretations, making even the assessment of undervaluation/overvaluation challenging. In other words, what Keynes meant by the beauty contest is perhaps, "How investors perceive performance and information is as subjective as a beauty contest, and no one can predict future stock prices," or so I interpret it at this point.

2.One Absolute Principle in the Beauty Contes

However, even in the subjective, unscientific, and lawless enigma of beauty contest logic, there is one absolute principle: "The subject of the beauty contest is human." It is an unchanging truth that the subject of the beauty contest is a human being with two eyes, one nose, and two ears. Although recently, with the increasing noise around gender discrimination, some may argue that men should also be considered in beauty contests, the fact remains that the subject is still human. If someone were to bring a camel or a sheep and claim, "This person is beautiful," despite calling for a beauty contest vote, it would be necessary to immediately call an ambulance at 119.

In the stock market, while performance may improve or worsen and stock prices may rise or fall, there is an absolute principle amid this uncertainty, and that is the "principle of supply and demand." If demand increases and supply decreases, value rises. When value rises, so does the value of stocks (stock prices), and also the value of currency. Just as the absolute principle of beauty contests targeting humans can be organized, the same principle applies in financial markets: "Value in financial markets is determined by the principle of supply and demand."

In reality, what dominates the world's financial markets is the yield on US Treasury bonds. The world is on edge simply with the question of whether yields will rise or fall because fluctuations in yields directly affect "currency supply and demand," or rather, "currency popularity." This is why everyone is on edge about the movement of yields.

・The world is suffering from inflation.
・To combat inflation, interest rates must be lowered to prevent overheating.
・It's believed by everyone (beauty contest logic) that lowering interest rates will cause a sharp economic downturn.
・But if inflation is left unchecked, banks will continue to fail. What should we do?

These are the common thought processes that influential people are considering, and ultimately, each of these questions is linked to the principle of supply and demand.

In fact, with global financial markets on edge about interest rates and startup fundraising in nearly dire straits, fundraising through cryptocurrency is proving quite successful, with total funds raised exceeding $1 billion per month.

Reference 3) Funding activities in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry are becoming more active, spurred by market recovery.

Well, of course. I mean, think about it—during the halving, if you raise funds and convert some into Bitcoin to hold, investors can profit just by converting to Bitcoin without doing anything extreme. Because, you see, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are the ultimate assets from the perspective of supply and demand. With the total supply capped by the program, there's nothing stronger than this asset. It's like being asked to bring a human to a beauty contest while everyone else is bringing in donkeys, crocodiles, or elephants. It's a sure win, right?

Reference 4) The market for tokenizing "real-world assets" is growing rapidly, driven by the astonishing growth rate of "RWA."

Regardless of the terminology, cryptocurrency fundraising is insanely hot right now. Actually, there aren't many people who can do it, but those who can are attracting a ton of deals.

Even though American stocks are so strong, you don't hear much about large-scale fundraising by American startups, do you?

Reference 5) [USA] Top 10 Startup Fundraising Ranking for 1Q 2024 (January-March) - Research Report by Startup Media "uniqorns (Unicorns)"

Ultimately, when you consider the investment totals for the US market, which boasts a terrifyingly huge economic scale, it's really not that impressive for the period of January to March 2024. It's around $6 to $7 billion, right? And yet, you have behemoth stocks like Epic Games from Fortnite in there. It's just too underwhelming.

Cryptocurrency, on the other hand, is pulling in $1 billion every month. Even if we generously estimate it at less than $3 billion for January to March this year, it still heated up to a level almost comparable to the top 10 startups in US stocks.

Looking at it from this perspective, when you consider, "US stocks are strong, Bitcoin is strong, but which currency is truly healthy and strong in the real sense?" it becomes clear that cryptocurrencies and blockchain (like Bitcoin) evoke a sense of strength. As a result, their prices (stock prices, currency value) make sense. What about Japanese stocks, you ask? Well, in a nutshell, it's just a case of "my condolences."

3.The world changes completely when it realizes the existence of an inflation killer

We deeply respect the stock market as a funding platform created by our predecessors and pay homage to the history that led to the implementation of fair rules in the stock market. However, we also understand the challenges and inefficiencies involved in fundraising through equity.

Ultimately, it's clear that individuals with a certain level of intellect are compelled to focus on the intricate preparations and challenging fundraising required for a debut in the stock market when considering future company growth and IPO prospects. This is why the stock market attracts such exceptional minds.

On the other hand, if one were to ask whether the stock market's system and algorithms are omnipotent, the answer would not necessarily be yes. There are countless limitations inherent to the stock market system itself, as well as challenges specific to companies listed on the stock market. Examples include overly restrictive management due to excessive compliance, and the direct impact on a company from market exposure to inflation risks, among many others.

Nevertheless, there was only the stock market. Until now. A platform for driving growth. However, with the emergence of the cryptocurrency market, when compared, cryptocurrency vastly outperforms in terms of both fundraising risk and efficiency. Furthermore, cryptocurrency possesses solutions that can directly address the inflation issues faced by the stock market. Born with these capabilities. As awareness of this begins to dawn, I believe cryptocurrency will rapidly become integrated into society.

In fact, for investors as well, it can be easier to invest in cryptocurrency and have it listed within a year than to wait for several years to debut on the stock market in an unclear environment. Of course, the number of players who can create cryptocurrency, develop systems, and list them is extremely small. However, if such a team can be assembled, it's far more time-efficient than waiting for an exit to the stock market. Of course, creating a worthless coin that becomes a meme coin is not the solution. It's necessary to add value to the cryptocurrency itself and present it as something with genuine value.

There are hardly any investors who function like benevolent gods silently pouring out growth funds, so as the recipient of funds, it's essential to carefully consider what risks you'll be taking in exchange for that money. Upon closer examination, you'll realize that fundraising through cryptocurrency is far more efficient from both a legal perspective and in terms of investor protection. I feel like we're still in a phase where more people are beginning to realize this fact, but eventually, I believe there will be a feverish period akin to the ICO bubble, where fundraising through cryptocurrency becomes the inflation killer. In fact, with monthly fundraising totals exceeding $1 billion, I already feel like this market is starting to heat up.

Finally, for those considering utilizing cryptocurrency for fundraising, I'll offer a hint: the opportunity lies in B2B. While everyone tends to focus on B2C-oriented, SNS-oriented approaches like affiliate marketing, networking, or airdrops when it comes to cryptocurrency, that's not where the real opportunity lies. The essence is in B2B.

I'll refrain from providing too many details to avoid revealing our strategy, but the players who can fully leverage the privacy, security, and transactional capabilities of cryptocurrency are actually B2B players. From what I've researched and observed, very few people have realized this crucial fact, or rather, it's almost non-existent.

So, to all of you working hard and striving in the B2C arena, keep it up. That market is heating up and should become quite challenging. But the real battleground is in the corporate sector. It's the nations, financial institutions, and corporations that are grappling with inflation. Individuals come last because they're the ones who receive the effects of rising prices last.

By leveraging blockchain, you can create your own currency, and regardless of how you choose to use or monetize this currency, it can generate secondary benefits. It's absurd to spend money developing systems and implementing points systems within your company to achieve this concept. Nobody seems to realize that. So, I'll take advantage of that and dominate.

Blockchain, by its very nature, is capable of yielding multiple fruits (benefits and profits) from a single action. However, everyone in the B2C space seems to prioritize profits, attempting to raise token prices or going all-in on benefits. That's why each project fails.

Instead, since the starting point is zero, one could provide something free of charge that resonates with people who empathize with the envisioned concept, or create a mechanism to subtly embed the desires of the organization's leaders. In such cases, the price doesn't necessarily have to increase; there are countless ways to approach it.

In essence, cryptocurrency is always a currency, a means, a technology. It's a means to an end, no matter how far it goes. If there's a business model, revenue model, or profit model where that currency (means) can be utilized, then simply combine that model with the currency. Everyone is enthusiastic about creating currencies and ecosystems. They're mistaken. Instead of creating currencies or ecosystems, they should be thinking about how to apply the currency to existing business models. That's why amateurs can't break through. If you want to issue a currency as a currency to the world, you need the sense and luck of someone like Binance. Yet, it's still a severe world where even someone as talented as CZ received a four-month jail sentence. So, if you're going to battle in the B2C arena, you better be prepared. It's the epitome of beauty contest, trying to conquer B2C in cryptocurrency. The opportunity lies in B2B. I can't disclose details, but if you're a comrade with a chosen business model, please feel free to reach out.

"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.

This is a membership (circle) recommended for the following individuals:

  • Those interested in the genesis and truth of WWB, its current status, and future possibilities.

  • Those curious about the background and truth behind the birth of WWX, as well as its future outlook.

  • Those who want to know why c0ban was placed on the whitelist.

  • Individuals interested in cryptocurrency market forecasts (BTC, ETH, and others).

  • Those who want to understand why it became possible to register a cryptocurrency exchange business that was once deemed impossible.

  • Individuals who would like to hear opinions and insights about the experiences gained through running a publicly-listed company.

  • Those who are interested in joint ventures among members.

  • Those interested in cryptocurrency mining setup and operation.

  • Individuals looking for free drops of digital coupons issued within the community.

  • Those seeking advice on fundraising (listed or unlisted) and public relations/investor relations (for listed companies).

  • Individuals who want to learn how to effectively convey a company's value (stock price) to the market, along with its actual performance.

  • Those in need of support related to overall corporate management.

  • Individuals facing existential dilemmas in navigating the underworld of the business world that lies ahead.

"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.

A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.

With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

▼Purchase the book here▼

"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

▼Purchase the book here▼
