



参考2)米株、週間934ドル安 利下げ期待後退で今年最大の下落



参考3)長期金利 1.005%に上昇 約12年ぶりの高い水準













参考7)日経平均632円安 ソロス一派「NVIDIA株売却」に過敏反応

参考8)ソロス・ファンド、第1四半期にNYCB株売却 GS追加取得







参考9)イーサリアムETF ビットコインETFとは承認プロセスに違い

参考10)イーサリアム現物ETF、米SECが承認 ブラックロックなど8銘柄

記事にもある通り、このETH ETF(言いにくいw)の承認速度は、明らかにバイデン大統領、民主党のトップダウンによる、SECへの圧力がかかったことは間違いありません。じゃないとこんな速度で承認されません。






FIT21とは何か、というと、Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act、日本語に訳したら、21世紀のための金融イノベーション・テクノロジー法案、となります。シンプルに言うと、“暗号通貨に特化した規制のない米国に、新しい規制を創ろうぜ”、というもので、本件は超党派で支持されており、民主党議員も大分賛成票を入れているのがウケます。






















ただ、最後に、イーサリアムETFの誕生は、必ずしもWEB3にプラスだとは言えない、ということも付記しておく。結局、取引量が増えて、イーサリアム価格が上がると、ガス代が上がるし、取引は詰まってしまうわけだw だから、WEB3サービスのユーティライズに、あまり良い影響があるとは言えない、と思う。








【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode 660:With NVIDIA's one-legged approach leading to a precarious situation for US stocks, and a full-fledged support system for cryptocurrencies seemingly appearing suddenly in preparation for the presidential election

The exceptionally strong U.S. stock market has finally shifted to a "normal mode" as of late. By "normal mode," I mean this in a somewhat ironic sense, referring to a state where U.S. stocks are in a "somewhat cautious prelude." With NVIDIA's impressive earnings report seemingly having exhausted the market, what will happen next to U.S. stocks?

Reference 1) NVIDIA's strong performance paves the way for continued gains in AI-related stocks, alleviating concerns about slowing investment.

Reference 2) U.S. stocks fell by $934 for the week, marking the largest decline this year as expectations for interest rate cuts receded

Looking at the U.S. stock market, it seems like "everything except NVIDIA is a bust. What are we going to do if NVIDIA collapses?" This situation perfectly illustrates a market fully controlled by AI, reflecting a society where both humanity and the stock market are dominated by AI. Seriously, what are we going to do if NVIDIA collapses?

Meanwhile, here's an issue that might give the Bank of Japan a scare, as I discussed in the column before last regarding the "debt overload magic."

Reference 3) Long-term interest rates rise to 1.005%, the highest level in about 12 years.

The Bank of Japan's debt overload might come sooner than expected. Therefore, to save the BOJ, we have no choice but to drive up the Nikkei Average. If we go long on the Nikkei Average heavily, we should be fine. That was the market view up until the last time.

So, what is my current assessment of the situation? Actually, I've shifted to a slightly short position on Nikkei futures and judge that selling will dominate in the short term. I can already hear the angry voices saying, "You said to buy the Nikkei, you liar!" I apologize, but with a weekly column, it's impossible to disclose positions in real time, so there's a slight time lag. It's not that I have concerns about Japanese stocks—I'd rather go all-in on buying them—but there are enough concerns about U.S. stocks that I’m cautious “at this moment.”
By the way, I have no intention of changing my "full bet long to heaven or hell one-way ticket position" on the dollar-yen, so rest assured. When it was 151-152 yen, I clearly wrote that intervention in the dollar-yen was meaningless and that it would be just a drop in the ocean. Didn’t I say exactly that? There's no reason to sell dollars. In fact, there's no reason to hold Japanese yen. It only carries risk. If there’s a redenomination, it will become worthless (it already has). That’s why this column's predictions are spot on.

The reason why I shorted Japanese stocks, even though I am so confident in them (and still am), even for the short term, lies here.

Reference 4) Long-term government bond futures

This is the daily chart of Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs). The strong performance of the dollar-yen and the decline in Japanese stocks seem ominous, so I examined it closely. I believe a “triple decline” has started. A triple decline means a drop in the yen, stocks, and bonds. This is serious.
From a foreign perspective, it’s a great opportunity to buy Japanese stocks cheaply, take over Japanese companies, and proceed with plans to turn Japanese people into “goyim” by firing all the useless employees. However, in the short term, a market characterized by a triple decline is prone to crash because it’s serious. The yen's credibility is declining. The important indicators in order of priority are bonds > currency > stocks.

Reference 5) Nikkei Average

 Reference 6) USD/JPY

Take a good look at these three indicators. What do you see? Doesn't it seem like Japanese stocks are trying to follow the movements of bond futures? Conversely, USD/JPY is rising, indicating yen depreciation, which shows a complete correlation. As mentioned in the opening article, with long-term bond yields exceeding 1%, bond prices are likely to fall further. I think this is dangerous in the short term.

However, please don't misunderstand. My market view is entirely different from the "Japan is doomed, the world is ending, Nikkei at 4,000 yen" type of uninformed nonsense. On the contrary, I believe the yen's depreciation will accelerate, and the Nikkei Average will soar. We could see it at 45,000 yen, 50,000 yen, 75,000 yen, or even 100,000 yen.
But keep in mind, if that happens, the dollar-yen exchange rate might fall to around 360 yen, making 38,000 yen at around 156 yen per dollar almost equivalent to just under 80,000 yen at around 300 yen per dollar in dollar-denominated terms for the Nikkei Average. That's why I'm more confident. In an inflationary, or rather stagflationary, strong market, the first priority is gold and Bitcoin, the second is real estate, and the third is stocks. I fully expect stock prices to rise significantly.

However, regarding the Nikkei Average, it looks like U.S. stocks are on the verge of stalling, which makes me hesitant to enter the range. I want to buy aggressively, but it's quite possible that it could drop to around 37,000 yen or below, so I can't enter right now. Since I'm taking risks with the dollar-yen, I feel compelled to sell Japanese stocks as a hedge. I don't think we'll see a crash-like decline, but the triple decline is like a body blow, steadily bringing down the market, which is really annoying. In my mind, it will bottom out after a capitulation phase (as of May 25, 2024). I apologize if I'm wrong.

If there's someone who's like, "Even if it drops to 35,000 yen or 36,000 yen, I have plenty of maintenance margin and unlimited investment funds," then I think they could win by going long from here on out. However, to all the important readers of this manuscript, I don't want you to suffer even a single yen of loss if possible, so be a little cautious. The reasons are: (1) Triple declines are tiresome, (2) US stocks are risky, (3) When US stocks give up because they can't raise stock prices in the presidential election, it's seriously dangerous. If you could keep these points in mind, I would be grateful.

Another important point to note is that the market for the presidential election is probably already underway. And perhaps, the US government is anticipating that they won't be able to boost US stocks. Usually, during presidential elections (it's the same in Japan too), the incumbent tries to artificially boost stock prices to show effort. I think they realized they couldn't do that anymore. Even George Soros, the master of US stocks, is saying this.

Reference 7) Nikkei Average drops by 632 yen: Overreaction to Soros faction's "sale of NVIDIA stock"

Reference 8) Soros Fund sells NYCb stock in the first quarter, adds to GS holdings

Clearly, Soros is also advocating selling stocks. They're selling NVIDIA too. They're probably increasing their GS holdings because they know that the original vulture capitalist will make a killing when the crash comes. And if Soros is making moves like this, it means that at some point, the AI market for NVIDIA will take a breather, everyone will realize that there can't be any rate cuts, and the timing for US stocks to be sold off massively is very close. Soros must be thinking that way for sure. So, when I wrote in a previous column that US stocks were eerily strong, I felt something was off.

"You might be thinking, 'Wait, so what's going on? Does this mean there won't be the usual pre-election frenzy?' But rest assured. It seems like the venue for the pre-election festivities has shifted from the stock market to the cryptocurrency market. It's probably going to be the Bitcoin and Ethereum scorching rally hell infinite train edition. Clearly, the stance of the US Democratic Party has changed. The spot ETF for Ethereum was approved way too quickly this time, and perhaps this will officially transition from the AI market to the WEB3 bubble this fall. Next up will be the quantum computing market (more on that next time). So today, I'd like to thoroughly explain the pre-election festival venue of the US government without leaving anything out. Let's dive in.

1.The unusually early approval of the Ethereum ETF

In this manuscript, we've been repeatedly emphasizing "Buy Bitcoin in physical form" like a broken record as the only response to the Japanese yen becoming worthless. Additionally, we've touched upon Ethereum several times. For those seeing this for the first time, let me briefly explain: Ethereum has been expected to rise, with 1 million yen as an initial milestone, and when Bitcoin exceeded 10 million yen, it was anticipated that Ethereum prices would follow suit. Currently around 600,000 yen, Ethereum's movements have been slower than expected. However, with the approval of the spot ETF, we anticipate increased dynamism in the future.

While I am by no means an Etherian (a staunch advocate of Ethereum), in practical terms, Ethereum is indispensable (development and delivery are impossible without it), so its significance cannot be denied. Though we are well aware of Ethereum's various issues, the fact that there hasn't been a Layer 1 solution surpassing Ethereum yet might also be an answer.

Amidst this backdrop, the United States swiftly approving Ethereum's ETF at an unprecedented pace has revitalized the Ethereum community after a long time.

Reference 9) Ethereum ETF: Differences in approval process compared to Bitcoin ETF

Reference 10) Ethereum Physical ETF approved by US SEC, including 8 stocks like BlackRock

As mentioned in the article, the approval speed of this ETH ETF (awkward to say, lol) clearly indicates that pressure was exerted on the SEC from the top down by President Biden and the Democratic Party. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been approved at such speed.

Former President Trump has notably championed "crypto-friendly" policies for the upcoming presidential election, so it's natural to consider that the Democratic Party approved the Ethereum ETF as a means to counterbalance crypto-friendly support for President Trump.

Actually, behind the scenes, there's been an incredibly favorable bill for crypto enthusiasts that has passed through the US House of Representatives. Things might get a bit confusing with all the legal jargon and cryptocurrency talk, but understanding the legislative landscape (especially in the US) is essential for identifying future 100-baggers and becoming wealthy. So, please bear with me for a bit. This bill is incredibly important.

2.FIT21, House Currency

Reference 11) Despite opposition from SEC Chairman Gensler, critical cryptocurrency bill "FIT21" passes the House

As usual, Gensler the Baldy is making a lot of noise, but FIT21 has successfully passed the bill in the US House of Representatives. If it's also approved in the Senate, it will bring blissful bubbles for crypto enthusiasts, so let's wait with anticipation.

So, what is FIT21? It stands for the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act. Simply put, it's a bill aimed at creating new regulations in the United States focused on cryptocurrencies. It has bipartisan support and has garnered quite a few favorable votes from Democratic lawmakers, which is quite amusing.

Some of you might be thinking, "But weren't there numerous cases of cryptocurrency fraud in the United States before? What about those?" Well, many of those cases involved applying existing securities laws to cryptocurrencies (somewhat forcibly) and then prosecuting under existing securities law violations. The crux here is that in order to crack down on cryptocurrency players under this law, it's crucial to establish that "cryptocurrencies are securities" first. Once they are classified as securities, the next step is to apply securities laws and then crack down on the cryptocurrency criminals, in that order—though not quite as Samuel Bank Friedman did, I mean, that's the sequence.

In essence, cryptocurrencies in the United States cannot be prosecuted under existing laws unless the premise "cryptocurrency equals securities" can be established. By the way, Japan has pioneered the development of revised laws governing fund settlements and has established legislation specifically tailored to cryptocurrencies, surpassing other countries in this aspect alone.

So, the folks at the SEC, including Baldy Gensler, were half-mad, shouting "Everything except Bitcoin is a security, security, securitaaaaay!!" Because of this, with FIT21 passing, cryptocurrencies not being securities will be established, rendering them immune to regulation under existing laws.

The sequence of FIT21 being passed as a bill two weeks ago and Ethereum ETF being approved at a frightening speed is clearly interconnected. It's common to see this correlation, and it's safe to say that the pre-election market frenzy has definitively shifted to the cryptocurrency market.

3.When will the S-1 registration statement be effective?

The Ethereum ETF has been approved successfully, but as of now, the ETF itself is not being traded. Although the exchange's permission to handle the Ethereum ETF, known as 19b-4, has been granted, trading cannot commence until the crucial S-1 registration statement takes effect. And since the effectiveness of this registration statement falls under the jurisdiction of the SEC, Gensler is once again likely to be a barrier.

However, if the SEC does not approve an ETF that has already been approved by the exchanges, it would create quite a bit of confusion. So, despite some resistance, the SEC is expected to eventually approve it. The timing of this approval is crucial for us investors, and while there are various speculations, it is generally believed that it will be before the presidential election.

Reference 12) JP Morgan predicts the trading start of Ethereum Physical ETF before the presidential election.

It's been a bit of a convoluted story, but what do you think about everything we've covered so far? Let's summarize:

・Former President Trump famously stated that he would implement cryptocurrency-friendly policies if elected.
・Former President Trump is already soliciting donations in cryptocurrency.
・President Biden, who was previously completely anti-cryptocurrency, has expressed clear opposition to FIT21, which was passed by the House, yet approved the Ethereum ETF at an unprecedented speed.
・There appears to be a clear conflict between the SEC's Gensler and President Biden's Democratic Party, at least regarding the handling of cryptocurrencies.
・We await the Senate's approval of FIT21, and trading for the Ethereum ETF is scheduled to begin before the presidential election.
・The stock market remains uncertain and influenced by yields.

No, this is definitely coming. The crazy bubble is coming. The festival of Bitcoin and Ethereum is coming. The eclipse is coming, the eclipse. I think it's probably going to skyrocket. Skyrocket. Seriously. Unbelievably so. That's how I feel.

Anyway, the point is, "What is the reason behind the US government's lightning-fast approval of the Ethereum ETF?" As for the Bitcoin ETF, it's bipartisan at this point. There's been ample discussion that Bitcoin is not a security, resulting in the creation of the ETF. So, I believe there was almost no political agenda behind it.

On the other hand, there's clearly "nothing but political agenda" behind Ethereum. I mean, they're doing it to counter former President Trump, right? That's why they're doing it, lol. So, they want to be like, "Thank you, Democratic Party, President Biden, for bringing us the Ethereum ETF!!" Otherwise, why would they pull off such a power play? So, doesn't it seem like Ethereum is going to skyrocket? And after Ethereum skyrockets and the ETF starts operating, won't Solana and other ETFs come next? Because they're commodities, right? And if FIT21's Senate bill passes by then, won't they be able to do whatever they want?

There are two major differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum. (1) Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum has no issuance limit. (2) In the world of Ethereum, those who stake are like gods. Staking is like a fixed deposit. When you stake a certain amount of Ethereum, you can register as a validator (approver) for Ethereum transactions and ecosystem voting, allowing you to approve transactions.

And you know, there's another thing, and there's debate about this, but the underlying difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum is whether the founder is visible or not. Bitcoin's founder is still shrouded in mystery, but Ethereum, on the other hand, has Vitalik Buterin at the helm as the founder of the Ethereum Foundation. In other words, Ethereum is somewhat (let's say it like that on purpose) centralized. This is why Ethereum gets so much flak from Bitcoin maximalists, lol. Anyway, Ethereum is more centralized, or in other words, easier to control.

Let's get to the point. Imagine if the world's billionaires, like BlackRock or ARK Investment, went on a buying spree of Ethereum ETFs (or selling spree to investors). As of now, Ethereum's market capitalization is roughly around 70 trillion. If they were to dominate this, they could control the entire market of Web3 and altcoins. Of course, as they buy, the price would rise. But even if they managed to acquire Ethereum up to around 1 million yen per unit and control 51% of it, the required amount of money would be just over 50 trillion yen. Gathering this money from all over the world, controlling the entire Web3 globally, controlling gas fees, and staking rewards... Wouldn't this be more delicious than Bitcoin? Because the beauty of Bitcoin lies in its uncontrollability, its decentralization. Ethereum's allure lies in its controllability. After all, if you control Ethereum, you could swallow up the entire world of Web3. "Oh, we don't like that game. Alright, everyone, let's vote. Don't support that platform, support Ethereum instead. Okay, motion passed." And just like that, they could kill off all projects. This is serious. Really serious.

This is just a baseless hypothesis, but what if the adults in the United States already know that Biden or the Democratic Party is going to lose, and they're in panic mode, rushing to approve the Ethereum ETF to try to control the world of Web3? Because, if President Trump were to come back into power, cryptocurrency-friendly bills would inevitably pass. Trump always keeps his promises, so they would definitely go through. And then, not only Bitcoin but also Ethereum and altcoins, the so-called Web3 sphere, would explode. If you were to ask, "What's the most important currency at that time?" it would undoubtedly be Ethereum. They're gathering money through ETFs, and if the military-industrial complex, oops, I mean financial institutions behind the Democratic Party, effectively control PoS through staking, Ethereum will be in the hands of the Democrats. Come to think of it, Sam from FTX, the most prominent figure in the altcoin world, who was ripped off for securities fraud, also made substantial donations to the Democratic Party, didn't he? Isn't this scenario of indirectly controlling the currency of the next generation through Ethereum something Sam Bankman-Fried didn't write from his jail cell??

Reference 13) A US House Representative Warns that the Biden Administration Is Aiming for a Chinese-Style CBDC

Unfortunately, the CBDC, which seemed to be falling short halfway, is also being aggressively criticized, so the long-cherished plan for human goyification through digital currency has become impossible. Is the only option left now to take over Ethereum? Wait, does that mean Ethereum is going to skyrocket? Are we expecting Ethereum to surpass even Bitcoin, reaching 20 million yen? (Just kidding.)

Anyway, the timing of when the S-1 registration for Ethereum will be effective until trading begins is incredibly crucial. If trading starts and people realize that Ethereum, unlike Bitcoin, can capture the world, and if someone realizes that the entity initiating the ETF can potentially control all of WEB3 through Ethereum, funded by the people's and clients' money, then the Democrats are likely to take action. Buying Ethereum could be a second option factoring in Biden's potential loss. If President Trump comes into power and crypto-friendly bills are enacted, the appreciation of purchased Ethereum would be tremendous. The likelihood that the Democrats are already engaged in a fight they won't lose is very high. Considering this, instead of investing in US stocks, it seems more advantageous to patiently buy Ethereum, which the Democrats will likely boost. Moreover, I feel like more and more people are starting to realize that holding Japanese yen is no longer a viable option.

4.Will Ethereum ETF Accelerate WEB3?

However, it's worth noting that the emergence of the Ethereum ETF may not necessarily be a positive for WEB3. Ultimately, as trading volume increases and the price of Ethereum rises, gas fees go up, and transactions get clogged. So, I don't think there will be much positive impact on the utilization of WEB3 services.

If, hypothetically, the adults behind the scenes supporting the US Democratic Party are intending to effectively control Ethereum to dominate WEB3, then after acquiring a certain share, there may be a mysterious Layer 1 project emerging. They might run a campaign saying, "Use this, and you'll have lower gas fees and no transaction congestion." And then, it turns out that the Layer 1 project is not even blockchain but a crap centralized system, not Ripple, but something similar. Because that's all it could be instead of CBDC. Seriously.

So, let's think about it. The investors in the Ethereum ETF are expecting capital gains and staking rewards, right? And Ethereum users (including us developers and general users) aim for lower gas fees and no transaction congestion, correct? There's a conflict of interest—complete conflict of interest, in fact. Yeah, it's impossible.

In the case of publicly traded companies, you can say that shareholders aiming for short-term profits are crap, while those supporting long-term gains are the true shareholders. As investors, there are those who support companies for the long haul and those who engage in short-term trading. Both are necessary because they provide liquidity, making the market function.

But you know, Ethereum ETFs have a completely different profit structure. To attract more users and gain their support, you can't undermine the investment returns of investors. Even if gas fees drop to one-tenth, if Ethereum's value against fiat currency has increased tenfold, it doesn't change a thing, does it?

Well, considering that we're living in an era where cryptocurrency prices compared to fiat currencies don't necessarily mean much, Ethereum investors might not expect significant profits based on fiat currency. So what are they expecting then? Ah, I see, maybe Bitcoin. They'll sell off their Ethereum for Bitcoin as it grows. Well, in the end, maybe it's only Bitcoin that ultimately wins. Goodbye for now.

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