





 9月16日の「敬老の日」に,TBS系列で放映された『今夜復活!8時だョ!全員集合 不適切だけど笑っちゃう! ドリフ伝説コントBEST20!』を観て,長い間,忘れていた「お腹で笑う」ことができたことに対して,感謝したい。

8 o'clock, Everyone Gather! : Thursday, October 3, 2024

When I was in elementary and middle school, during the late 1960s to early 1970s, the top comedy TV show was undoubtedly 'It's 8 o'clock! Everybody Gather!' by The Drifters. This program aired on the TBS network every Saturday (from October 1969 to March 1971, and then from October 1971 to September 1985, for a total of 803 episodes). Now, only Kato Cha and Takagi Boo remain, as four of the six members of The Drifters have passed away, which is quite saddening.

The humor of the "Showa era" comedy shows, as represented by The Drifters' "8 o'clock, Everyone Gather!", was perhaps best described not as something that made you laugh through intellectual understanding, but rather as something that made you laugh from the gut—a true belly laugh.

For example, in The Drifters' "8 o'clock, Everyone Gather!", the skits were often described as "silly," "ridiculous but relatable," or "just within the bounds of acceptable." The viewers were prepared for this world of comedy, and the performers always delivered exactly as expected, so watching the show felt comfortable. It was not the kind of humor that required deep intellectual evaluation or left a bitter taste afterward. Instead, it left behind a refreshing sense of lightness, like a release of stress. I think this is a fundamental difference from today’s comedy shows.

From the perspective of today's Reiwa era social norms, there would probably be quite a few inappropriate expressions and actions in The Drifters' "8 o'clock, Everyone Gather!". However, there was a sense of warmth and human tolerance that prevailed, and somehow, without anyone making a fuss, things naturally settled into place.

On Respect for the Aged Day (September 16), I watched "Back Tonight! 8 o'clock, Everyone Gather! It's Inappropriate, But Still Makes You Laugh! The Drifters' Legendary Skits BEST 20!", aired on the TBS network, and I was grateful for the opportunity to laugh from the gut again—a feeling I had long forgotten.