

昨日,東京大学と日本財団が東京都内で共同記者会見を行い,日本の排他的経済水域(EEZ)内で東京都の小笠原諸島・南鳥島沖にある深海(水深5,500m)の鉱床に,レアメタルを豊富に含む鉱物資源があり,鉄やマンガン酸化物を主成分とするマンガン団塊(manganese nodules)が2億3,000万トンあることが確認されたことを明らかにした。



Rare Metals in the Waters Near Minamitorishima:June 22nd(Saturday)

Yesterday, the University of Tokyo and the Nippon Foundation held a joint press conference in Tokyo, revealing that a mineral deposit in Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) off the coast of Minamitorishima in the Ogasawara Islands contains 230 million tons of manganese nodules. These nodules, located in deep waters at a depth of 5,500 meters, are rich in rare metals and primarily composed of iron and manganese oxides.

In addition to iron and manganese oxides, the manganese nodules contain less than 1% cobalt and nickel. While the recent discovery pertains to manganese nodules, cobalt-rich crusts and rare earth mud have also been confirmed in the waters off Minamitorishima, raising expectations for future developments.

Mineral resources such as rare metals and rare earth elements, essential for the manufacture of semiconductors, batteries, and electric vehicles, have so far been concentrated in a few countries and regions, including China, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This concentration has raised concerns about new energy security issues. However, the large-scale discovery of manganese nodules off the coast of Minamitorishima, along with the potential extraction of cobalt-rich crusts and rare earth mud, could significantly contribute to achieving global carbon neutrality.