




Supermarket Checkout Service: July 25th(Thursday), 2024

I have been living in Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City, for nearly ten years. There are several supermarkets in Kyoto City, but I go to a relatively well-known "supermarket" in the city almost daily for my everyday groceries. I can get almost all the ingredients I need for cooking at home from this supermarket.
Several of the cashiers at this supermarket have been working there for more than five years, and sometimes I think it must be tough for them as they seem busy serving customers every day. Since I have been going to this supermarket for over five years almost daily, I know the cashiers well, and I believe they know me too.

However, perhaps due to the supermarket's business manual, every time I go to the checkout, the cashier robotically says, "Welcome. Do you have a point card? Would you like a plastic bag? That will be xxxx yen. Thank you." I have likely encountered this same situation over a thousand times. It's as if they are robots only focused on checkout duties.

Am I the only one who feels a sense of loneliness?