科学と霊性 ( Spirituality ) の繋がり+参考資料

投稿by HPS Shannon » Mar 28, 2019 9:08 pm


科学、すなわち量子物理学は霊性を証明してきたが、この敵の圧力の為にある程度のものに過ぎなかった。キリスト教とイスラム教のユダヤ人プログラムは、私たちの現実の真実と私たちの全体的な進歩に繋がるので、科学と創造的な人間の進歩 [ カトリック教会や暗黒時代など ] を攻撃してきた。オカルトは「悪魔 ( devil ) 」のものであり、邪悪なものだと洗脳する為だ。

その一方で、ユダヤ人は科学の分野に入り込み、それが歪められ、因果関係ではなく効果 (effect ) と成果 ( results ) しか導かないようにする。ヤツらは私たちを完全に破壊したり、霊性から切り離すことはできないので、霊的なものは存在せず、物質世界を超えるものは何もなく、私たちは魂のない機械的な動物であると信じ込ませようとする [ 特に、完全にユダヤ人が入り込んでいる心理学では ] 。


文明と私たちの創造が始まって以来、霊的なもの、アストラル、幽霊、超能力、魂と心 ( mind….知性とも ) の力は何度も言及されてきた。現代の科学はこれらのすべてを疑似科学ででたらめとして否定している。どうやら、これらの経験をしたことがある人や、これらのことを信じている人は、想像力が強すぎるか、頭がおかしいかのどちらかであるようだ….。






面白いことに、幽霊や呪い、瞑想の効用、オカルト科学、人間の魂の複雑さ、心 ( mind ) の力を信じていない人にたくさん出会ってきたが、彼らは本に書かれている、空にいる目に見えない全能の人を信じている….ユダヤ人と「政府」がそう言っているからだ。



瞑想はさまざまな方法で知性を高める。両方の脳半球を一緒に働かせる、記憶力を高める、脳のサイズを大きくする、感情的知性 [ EQ ]を高めるなどである。


#その1 - 瞑想は左脳と右脳のバランスを整える

#その2 - 瞑想は脳のサイズを大きくする。

#その3 - 瞑想は非常に有益な脳波パターンを可能にする。
瞑想は、これらの非常に有益な心 ( mind ) の状態にアクセスする為の最も簡単で最適な方法であり、同時にあなたの人生をさまざまな方法で変容させる [ IQの単純な向上はその最たるものだ! ] 。

#その4 - 瞑想は洞察力と直観力を高める。
故スティーブ・ジョブズを始め、多くの成功したビジネスパーソンは、鋭いビジネス感覚や革新的なアイデアは、何よりも直感 [ 直観 ] から生まれたと述べている。

#その5 - 瞑想は長期記憶と短期記憶の両方を改善する。

#その6 - 瞑想は感情的知性 [ EQ ] を高める。
定期的に瞑想を行うことで、「感情的知性」 [ またはEQ ] と呼ばれるものが身に付く。EQとは、自分の感情に耳を傾け、冷静で思慮深い態度でそれに対処する能力である。




マインド ( Mind….心、精神、知性 ) の力の基本











-Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities by Dean Radin
-The Body Electric by Robert Decker- (addresses our bioelectric selves and soul)
-The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries by Henry Gris
-Psychic Warfare by David Moorehouse
-The Seventh Sense by Lynn Buchanan

心の真実と力、超能力、超心理学などについて語る科学者のブログとビデオリンク - deanradin.blogspot.com



*「」、 [ ] は原文。 ( ) は翻訳者。

Linking Science and Spirituality+ Reference Material

Post by HPS Shannon » Mar 28, 2019 9:08 pm

No matter how much the Jews and Jewish dominated science try to shut down or cover up the Occult/Science connection, the truth will always come to the surface. Science is starting to show that Spirituality and the Occult are one in the same. They are interconnected and many scientists have gone so far into their research as to land into the occult because of this. Unfortunately, they either lose their jobs or credibility if they reveal the truth in any way.

Science, namely Quantum physics, has proven spirituality but only to a certain degree because of this enemy suppression. The Jewish programs of Christianity and Islam have attacked science and any creative human progression (like with the Catholic Church, the Dark Ages, etc) because they lead to the truth of our reality and our overall advancement. The goal is to keep us functioning at a lower level and forbid us from harnessing and tapping into our divine powers, to brainwash us into believing that the occult is of "the devil" and is evil.

On the other end, the Jew gets into the field of Science and ensures that it is distorted and only leads to effect and results and not causation. Since they could not completely destroy or cut us off from spirituality, they try to convince us that the spiritual does not exist, there is nothing beyond the material world and that we are mechanical animals without a soul (especially with Psychology which is totally Jewish infiltrated.)

To sum it up with a quote from HP Mageson years ago:
"The Jews are working to keep us in a Newtonian five sense paradigm"

Since the beginning of civilization and our creation, the spiritual, the astral, ghosts, psychic abilities and powers of the mind and soul. have been referenced many times over but modern Science dismisses all of this as pseudo science and bunk; apparently everyone who has ever had these experiences or believe in these things are either overly imaginative or out of their minds...

Before coming to Spiritual Satanism, I was very much into spirituality yet I never really considered that it was connected to science, probably because Science seemed to dismiss the spiritual continually. Even when others would ask me about the validity of the spiritual and how it relates to science, I couldn't answer to it as I did not have the knowledge that I have now. Thanks to Satan and the Gods who are giving us this knowledge and leading us to wonderful information that are really tying things together.

This is the beauty of Spiritual Satanism.

It's one thing to mention spirituality and the occult, but it's important for all of us to be able to provide references and sources to what we know and support our claims. Science is of Satan, it is the method of how we interact and study the world around us. We should definitely familiarize ourselves with scientific references and study that shows the spiritual. This is how we will help to transform and educate humanity further.

To be able to discuss spirituality and the occult in a realistic and down to earth way is a plus and only shows how prepared and knowledgeable we Satanists are. It is helpful as most people are preoccupied on a more linear and materialistic level these days.

Now, obviously trying to convince every single person the spiritual is real is not going to always be successful as many people are just so cut off from the spiritual realm that they refuse to recognize it. That is their problem, and their loss. We don't need to convince all of humanity because the fate of the world doesn't rest on all of humanity, just those of us that matter. We have demonstrated this through what we are doing at the JoS, for example.

The funny thing is, I have come across many people who don't believe in ghosts, hauntings, the benefits of meditation, occult science and the complexities of the human soul, nor do they believe in the powers of the mind YET they believe in some invisible omnipotent man in the sky as dictated by a book…because the Jew and the "government" says so.

Here are some worthy reads that I hope will assist your studies, if anyone has any similar links, please post in this thread so that everyone can see and learn:

Meditation and how it benefits the I.Q and changes the brain over time:

6 Ways Meditation Increases Your Intelligence & Raises Your IQ

Meditation increases intelligence in many ways: From making both brain hemispheres work together, to boosting memory, to increasing brain size, to enhancing emotional intelligence (EQ).
Here are 6 reasons meditation creates the perfect environment for intellectual growth and learning.

#1 — Meditation Balances Your Left & Right Brain

Did you know that most everyone uses one brain half more than the other, creating an imbalance?

Meditation has been proven to sync both brain hemispheres, allowing much faster neural communication and much greater processing power.

When the logical left brain and creative right brain begin working in harmony, problem solving becomes easy, creativity multiplies, deep thinking becomes the standard, and focus and concentration magnify.

"Whole brain synchronization" is consistently shown in highly successful people, and you too can achieve this mind state — through meditation.

#2 — Meditation Increases Brain Size.

By taking advantage of what scientists call "neuroplasticity", researchers from the University of Wisconsin discovered that meditation beneficially increases the neural "gray matter thickness" of certain brain regions.

To put it another way, meditation makes your brain bigger, smarter, and faster, in the same way that physical exercise makes your muscles stronger, denser, with more endurance.

Contrary to the widely accepted scientific opinion of decades ago, the concept of neuroplasticity means that our intelligence is not genetically set from birth — there are certain things we can do to improve our brain performance.

As evidenced by numerous studies, neuroscientists have pegged meditation as the leading brain enhancer, with the potential to increase intelligence on all levels.

#3 — Meditation Enables Super Beneficial Brainwave Patterns.

By guiding your brainwaves into the most beneficial frequencies - alpha, theta, and delta, a myriad of benefits manifest, including super creativity, powerful idea generation, enhanced cognitive functioning, and an overall intellectual capacity for growth.

Meditation is the very best, easiest way for you to access these super beneficial mind states, while transforming your life in so many different ways (the least of which is a simple boost in IQ!).

#4 — Meditation Boosts Insight & Intuition.

Inner intelligence, on the other hand, is derived from developing & listening to your inner voice. Best known as insight and intuition, meditation is the key to tapping into both of these latent abilities.

While this specific type of intelligence can’t be gauged by quizzes or tests, it's highly valuable on all levels, stimulating insight, creativity, natural understanding without being taught, and helping you to see beyond what the five senses experience.

Inner intelligence, some would argue, is the most important type for success in the "real world", once academic studies are complete.

Many successful business people, including the late Steve Jobs, stated that their keen business acumen & revolutionary ideas came from their gut feelings (intuition) above all else.

#5 — Meditation Improves Both Long & Short Term Memory.

We all know that memory is a major component of both intelligence and IQ.

From studying for exams, to learning a new coding language, to remembering names, memory is essential to daily intellectual function.

Two key memory associated areas of the brain, the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, both show significantly increased activity during meditation.

By stimulating these vital areas in meditation, both long and short term memory capacity increase, making your job, schoolwork, and daily life that much easier.

#6 — Meditation Advances Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Many people never learn to think through their emotions and address them in a reasonable manner, but instead are held prisoner by their reactions to outside stimuli.

Though you can’t control outside forces and circumstances, you certainly can control how you respond to them.

Regular meditation will give you what is called "emotional intelligence" (or EQ), which is the ability to tune into and listen to your feelings, then work through them in a calm, thoughtful manner.

In addition, EQ also helps you read and appropriately respond to other people's emotional cues. This is another intelligence that's somewhat difficult to measure, but incredibly important in the real world.

Scientists hint towards life after death:

A list and reference of scientific experiments proving the powers of the mind and soul:

More on the mentioned above:

Mind Power Basics
Whatever you desire, you can achieve it using Mind Power.
All physical reality is made up of vibrations of energy; even your thoughts are vibrations of energy. While it sounds like a concept or theory, this is a new reality that quantum physics has revealed to us. Your thoughts have a powerful influence on your life.

Your thoughts affect what happens to you.
Most of us go through life taking little notice of our thought processes: how the mind thinks, what it fears, what it heeds, what it says to itself, what it brushes aside. For the most part, we go about your lives with minimal attention paid to how we think. We go through life neglecting one of the most important and powerful forces in our life: our thoughts.

What you focus on, you attract.
Mind Power is directing your thoughts towards a desired outcome. Focus on success and you attract success. Focus on fear and failure and you attract failure. Mind Power is understanding these principles and making our thoughts work for us. Your thoughts are the primary creative forces in your life. Use them consciously and you will awaken to a whole new life of power and opportunity.

A new life is but a new mind.
In order to make changes in your life, you must change the way you use your mind. You cannot think both negative and positive thoughts at the same time, as one will always dominate the other. As humans, we’re creatures of habit, and so are our minds. We must make sure empowering thoughts and positive emotions are the dominating influence in the mind.

To change the external, you must change the internal.
Most people forget this step. They try to change external conditions by working directly on those conditions but this almost always proves futile or temporary, unless it is accompanied by a change of thoughts and beliefs.

Train your conscious mind to think thoughts of success, happiness, health, and prosperity. Learn to weed out negativity such as fear and worry. Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best, and make sure the thoughts you habitually think are based upon what you want in your life.

Scientific Information about the Aura

Science and Acupuncture:


-Supernormal: Science, Yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities by Dean Radin
-The Body Electric by Robert Decker- (addresses our bioelectric selves and soul)
-The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries by Henry Gris
-Psychic Warfare by David Moorehouse
-The Seventh Sense by Lynn Buchanan

Blog and video link from a scientist who discusses the truth and powers of the mind, psychic ability, parapsychology, etc.- deanradin.blogspot.com

Knowledge is power.

Hail Satan