
Kyappy English ポッドキャスト

今回は英語学習用のポッドキャストということで、3~4分ほどの短い英語音声動画を自作で作りましたので、是非ご覧ください。 週に2回程度、定期的に出していきたいと思います。 構成…


Episode 16 喉が痛い

Introduction: Hello, everyone. Welcome to my English learning podcast. In today's discu…

Episode15 社外取締役の役割

Introduction: Hello everyone, and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today, we will…

Episode 14 伝統文化を守る

Introduction: Hello everyone, and welcome to my English learning podcast. In today's dis…

Episode 13 管理職の苦労

Introduction: Welcome to my English learning podcast. In this episode, we're going to di…

Episode 11 質の高い睡眠を取るには

Introduction: Hello everyone and welcome to my English learning podcast. In today's epis…

Episode 10 日本の学生の就職活動

Introduction: Hello there! Welcome to my English learning podcast. In this episode, we'l…

Episode 9 スマートフォンの選び方

Introduction: Hello everyone and welcome to my English learning podcast. In this episode, we're going to discuss a topic that is relevant to our daily lives: "Choosing the Right Smartphone." With so many options available in the market, it'

Episode 4 バリアフリーの社会

Introduction: Welcome to my English learning podcast. In today's episode, we'll be discu…

Episode 3 ペットを飼うということ

Introduction: Welcome to my English learning podcast. In today's episode, we'll be discu…

Episode 2 在宅勤務の終了

Introduction: Hello and welcome to my English podcast for learners. Today, we'll be disc…

Episode1 空港での待ち時間

Introduction: Hello and welcome to my English learning podcast! In today's episode, we'l…


こんにちは! 今回は英語学習用のポッドキャストということで、3~4分ほどの短い英語音声動…