
Episode 16 喉が痛い


Hello, everyone. Welcome to my English learning podcast. In today's discussion, we will look into the quite common question, "Is it just a sore throat or a flu?" We will discuss the symptoms and remedies for a sore throat, helping you gain a better understanding of this common ailment, a word for illness or health problem.

Small discussion question 1:
Can you describe the symptoms you have experienced when you had a sore throat?

Sample answer 1:
When I have a sore throat, I usually experience a scratchy or irritated feeling in my throat. It is painful to swallow, and my throat feels dry. Sometimes, I also notice swollen lymph glands in my neck. These symptoms can vary depending on the severity of the sore throat.

Small discussion question 2:
How did you overcome your sore throat? Did you suspect it was the flu? Did you seek medical advice?

When I had a sore throat, I tried a few things to make it better. First, I made sure to rest my voice. I also drank lots of warm liquids like herbal tea and honey with warm water to soothe my throat. One time, I had a really bad sore throat, and on top of that, I had a high fever and body aches. I thought like, "This might be the flu." So, I decided to go and see a doctor just to be sure. The doctor confirmed it was the flu and gave me some medication to help me get better. So, if your sore throat gets worse or you have other flu-like symptoms, it's a good idea to seek medical advice.

Now, let’s see today’s vocabulary.
First, we have "scratchy feeling(いがいがする感じ)." A scratchy feeling refers to an uncomfortable or itchy sensation on the skin or throat. For example, "After spending the day in a dusty environment, he experienced a scratchy feeling in his throat."
Next, we have "irritated feeling(イライラする感じ)." An irritated feeling is a sensation of discomfort or annoyance. For example, "The strong smell of chemicals in the cleaning products caused an irritated feeling in her nose."
Moving on, we have "swollen lymph glands(リンパ腺の腫れ)." Swollen lymph glands refer to the enlargement of lymph nodes, typically due to an infection or inflammation. For example, "She visited the doctor when she noticed swollen lymph glands in her neck after having a sore throat."
Another term is "medication(薬剤・薬物治療)." Medication refers to a substance, often in the form of a pill, liquid, or injection, that is used to treat, prevent, or manage a medical condition or illness. For example, "The doctor prescribed a medication to relieve her allergy symptoms."
Lastly, we have "ailment(慢性的な症状)." An ailment refers to a minor illness or health condition that may cause discomfort or pain. For example, "He sought medical advice for a persistent stomach ailment."

Dealing with a sore throat can be a real pain, but it's important to know the symptoms and take care of yourself. If things get worse or you start experiencing flu-like symptoms, it's best to seek medical advice. Let’s call it a day today. Stay healthy and take care!

