
Episode 3 ペットを飼うということ

Welcome to my English learning podcast. In today's episode, we'll be discussing the topic of "Wanting to Own a Pet?" and exploring the reasons people have for wanting or not wanting to have a pet.

Small discussion question 1:
Do you think owning a pet is a good idea? Why or why not?

Sample answer 1:
I believe owning a pet can be a wonderful experience. Pets provide companionship, unconditional love, and can help reduce stress. They also teach responsibility and can be great for families with children. However, owning a pet also requires time, effort, and financial commitment, so it's important to consider these factors before making a decision.

Small discussion question 2:
What are some advantages and disadvantages of having a pet?

Sample answer 2:
Some advantages of having a pet include having a loyal companion, improving your mental and physical health, and learning valuable life lessons. Having said that, there are also disadvantages such as the cost of pet food, veterinary care, and the responsibility of taking care of them. On top of that, if you have allergies or live in a small space, owning a pet may not be suitable for you.

OK! Let’s see today’s vocabulary!

First, we have "companionship(交友、親交)." Companionship refers to the state of being with someone or something that provides emotional support and friendship. For example, "Having a dog as a pet brings companionship and joy to many people."
Next, we have "unconditional love(無条件の愛)." Unconditional love means love without limitations or restrictions, where affection and care are given freely. For example, "Pets, such as cats and dogs, often show their owners unconditional love."
Moving on, we have "financial commitment(経済的な責任)." Financial commitment refers to the responsibility of providing financial resources or support for something, such as a pet. For example, "Owning a pet requires a financial commitment for food and other expenses."
Lastly, we have "veterinary(獣医の[ˈvet.ər.ɪ.nər.i])." Veterinary refers to the field of medicine and healthcare that deals with the treatment and care of animals. For example, "It's important to schedule regular veterinary check-ups for your pets to ensure their health and well-being."

That's all for today's episode on "Wanting to Own a Pet?" Remember, owning a pet is a personal decision that requires careful consideration. OK. Let’s call it a day today. Thank you for tuning in, and we'll be back with another interesting topics in the next episode. See you next time!


