
Episode 2 在宅勤務の終了

Hello and welcome to my English podcast for learners. Today, we'll be discussing the topic of "Ending Work from Home?" where we'll explore the pros and cons of working from home and the potential implications of ending this practice.

Small talk question 1:
Do you prefer working from home or going into the office? Why or why not?

Sample answer 1:
Personally, I enjoy working from home because it allows me to have a more flexible schedule and avoid the hassle of commuting. However, I do miss the social aspect of working in an office and sometimes feel disconnected from the team.

Small talk question 2:
What do you think are the benefits and drawbacks of ending work from home policies?

Sample answer 2:
There are definitely pros and cons to ending work from home policies. On one hand, it could improve communication and teamwork, as well as create a more cohesive work culture. On the other hand, it could also negatively impact employee morale and work-life balance, particularly for those with long commutes or family obligations.

Let’s see today’s vocabulary and expressions!

First, we have "pros and cons(賛成意見と反対意見)." Pros and cons are the advantages and disadvantages of a particular situation, decision, or action. For example, "Before deciding whether to take a job offer, it's important to consider the pros and cons carefully."
Next, we have "hassle(煩わしさ)." Hassle means trouble, difficulty, or inconvenience. For example, "I had a bit of a hassle at the airport when my flight was delayed for several hours."
Moving on, we have "feel disconnected from(疎外感を感じる)." To feel disconnected from something means to feel like you don't belong or are not part of a particular group or situation. For example, "After moving to a new city, it's common to feel disconnected from your old friends and routines."
Another term is "drawbacks(欠点)." Drawbacks are the negative aspects or disadvantages of a particular situation, decision, or action. For example, "One of the drawbacks of working from home is the lack of interaction with colleagues."
Next, we have "cohesive(団結した、まとまりのある) work culture." Cohesive work culture refers to a work environment where employees feel a sense of unity and teamwork towards achieving a common goal. For example, "The company's cohesive work culture is one of the reasons why employees enjoy working there."
Lastly, we have "family obligation(家庭の用事)." A family obligation is a responsibility or duty towards someone's family. For example, "I have a family obligation to attend my cousin's wedding next weekend."

And that concludes our discussion on "Ending Work from Home?" Thank you for listening to my podcast and I hope you found this topic useful for improving your English language skills. Stay tuned for more episodes in the future!


