
Episode15 社外取締役の役割

Hello everyone, and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today, we will be exploring the role of external directors in a company and their significance. So, let's have a quick view of the world of corporate governance and the responsibilities of directors.

Small discussion question 1:
What do you think is the role of external directors in a company?

Sample answer 1:
When it comes to the role of external directors, their primary responsibility is to provide an independent perspective and oversight to the company's operations. They bring valuable expertise, diverse viewpoints, and a fresh set of eyes to the boardroom. External directors are tasked with safeguarding the interests of shareholders and ensuring that the company operates in compliance with legal and ethical standards. Their objective input and strategic guidance contribute to the overall governance and long-term success of the organization.

Small discussion question 2:
Why is it important to have external directors on a company's board?

Sample answer 2:
Having external directors on a company's board is crucial for various reasons. Firstly, they offer an unbiased and objective viewpoint, as they are not directly involved in the day-to-day operations of the company. This helps in maintaining transparency, accountability, and effective decision-making. Their independent oversight helps mitigate conflicts of interest and ensures that the board acts for the best interest of all stakeholders.

OK. Let’s see today’s vocabulary.

First, we have "oversight(管理監督)." Oversight refers to the act of supervising, monitoring, or managing something to ensure it is done correctly or in accordance with established guidelines. For example, "The project manager provided oversight to ensure all tasks were completed on time."
Next, we have "be tasked with(~をアサインされる)." To be tasked with something means to be assigned or given the responsibility of completing a specific job or duty. For example, "She was tasked with organising the company's annual conference."
Moving on, we have "in compliance with(~に従って)." In compliance with something means to act or operate in accordance with rules, regulations, or requirements. For example, "The company ensured that all their manufacturing processes were in compliance with environmental regulations."
Another term is "transparency(透明性)." Transparency refers to the quality or state of being open, honest, and easily understood. For example, "The organization emphasized the importance of transparency by sharing regular updates with its employees."
Lastly, we have "stakeholders(ステークホルダー)." Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest, involvement, or concern in a project, organization, or decision, and may be affected by its outcomes. For example, "The meeting aimed to gather feedback from various stakeholders, including employees, customers, and community members."

External directors play a vital role in ensuring effective corporate governance and providing independent oversight to companies. Their unbiased perspectives, diverse expertise, and objective guidance contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of organizations. Thank you for joining me today and stay tuned for my next episode!

