
Episode1 空港での待ち時間

Hello and welcome to my English learning podcast! In today's episode, we'll be talking about what to do when you're stuck waiting at the airport. Whether it's a long stopover or a delayed flight, waiting at the airport can be a boring and frustrating experience. But don't worry, we've got some tips to help you pass the time! Let’s see today’s small talk.

Small talk question 1:
Have you ever had to wait at the airport for a long time? How did you spend your time?

Sample answer1:
Yes, I have. Last year, I travelled to the United States from India with a connecting flight at Heathrow airport in London. I had a stopover of nearly six hours, and it was quite a tedious experience. I spent most of my time browsing through the shops and restaurants at the airport, and I even had a chance to catch up on my work. /

Small talk question 2:
What are things you could do to pass the time at the airport?

Sample answer2:
There are plenty of things you can do to pass the time at the airport. You could read a book, listen to music, watch a movie, or play games on your phone. Some airports have free Wi-Fi, so you could catch up on some work or check your email. For me, I like to do people-watching and try to guess where everyone is going. I would also explore the airport and try some local foods or do some shopping.

Let’s see today’s vocabulary and expressions.

First, we have "stopover(乗り継ぎ時間)." A stopover is a period of time when you have to wait at an airport for your next flight. For example, "I have a four-hour stopover in Frankfurt before my flight to New York."
Next, we have "connecting flight(乗り継ぎ便)." A connecting flight is a flight that requires a passenger to change planes at an intermediate point to reach their final destination. For example, "I'm flying from London to Sydney with a connecting flight in Dubai."
Moving on, we have "tedious(退屈な)." Tedious means something that is boring and repetitive. For example, "I find doing paperwork to be a tedious task."
Another phrase is "catch up on(追いつく)." To catch up on something means to work on something that you have fallen behind on. For example, "I need to catch up on my work before the deadline."
The next phrase is "pass the time(時間を潰す)." Pass the time means to do something to make the time go by more quickly. For example, "I like to read books to pass the time on long flights."
Another phrase is "people-watching(人間観察)." People-watching means activity to observe people and their behaviour in a public place. For example, "We spent the afternoon people-watching at the park."
Lastly, we have "explore(探索する)." Explore means to travel to new places and discover new things. For example, "We're planning to explore the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu on our trip to Peru."

That's all for today's episode! We hope you enjoyed practicing some small discussion questions related to "Waiting at the Airport" and learning some new English vocabulary. Remember, finding ways to pass the time can help make your travel experience more enjoyable. Thanks for listening, and we'll see you next time!



