
Tattoo #15 Oct 18,2022

     Some people have tattoos on their arms, legs, and backs.  Few people want to have tattoos on their faces.  I have seen a YouTuber who has tattoos on his face.  He finds people who throw cigarettes on the street, and tell them to pick the cigarettes up.  Those people tried to ignore him, but all of the people obeyed his order after they noticed he had tattoos.  It seems the tattoos have power.  People usually have their girlfriend's or boyfriend's name, and very cool art on their skin.  Some people have Chinese characters.  But sometimes they seem not to know the meaning of them.
     When I was studying abroad in the U.S., I used to have dinner at a cafeteria.  A guy with strong muscle showing his arms wearing a sleeveless shirt had a big Chinese characters on his arm.  It is "弟" which means "an older brother".  It didn't look cool to me as a Japanese.


back「背中」  Few people want to〜「〜をしたがる人は少ない」
cigarettes「タバコ」  ignore「〜を無視する」
obey「〜に従う」  Chinese characters「漢字」
seem not to「〜しないように思える」