

「燕来る 軒の深さに 棲みなれし」


"Swallows return, nestled deep within the eaves, familiar home."

Sugita Hisajo

by midjourney


「燕来る 軒の深さに 棲みなれし」は、杉田久女の有名な俳句の一つです。この俳句は、春の季語である「燕来る」を使って、燕が巣を作る軒の深さに棲みなれた様子を表現しています。杉田久女は、近代俳句における最初期の女性俳人の一人であり、男性に劣らぬ格調の高さと華やかさのある句を残しました。

This haiku, "Swallows return, nestled deep within the eaves, familiar home," is one of the famous works by Sugita Hisajo. Using the seasonal word "swallows return" for spring, it portrays the familiar sight of swallows nesting in the depths of the eaves. Sugita Hisajo was one of the first female haiku poets in modern haiku, leaving behind verses of high elegance and brilliance, not inferior to those of her male counterparts.


A warm spring scene, swallows returning to their nest, the eaves of a traditional Japanese house providing shelter and familiarity, delicate wings fluttering as they settle in, a symbol of the season's renewal and the enduring cycle of nature.--v 5

歳時記 4月8日

(英訳:ChatGPT 解説:Bing 画像生成:midjourney)
