「オセロー」ドラマトゥルクによる往復書簡  No.7

【「オセロー」ドラマトゥルクによる往復書簡  No.7 】
East Asia Theater Interacion 2022 in Fukuoka
Future Creation Program(FCP)[ オセロー/ W シェイクスピア]では、今回ドラマトゥルクとして、福岡の演劇ユニットそめごころの石田聖也さん、台湾の文学研究者のShin Chang/張新さんに入っていただいています。
この機会は貴重なため、このままEATIプログラム、後半のFuture Education Program(FEP)「藪の中」のクリエーション中も続けていきます。






2022.8.24 石田聖也

▼ in English

Dear Mr.Shin

 Days pass by at a dizzying pace, and before we know it, FCP "Othello" is over. Now, each team is working on the creation of FEP "Yabu no naka" (In the Bush). Even in the same theater, the scenery looks very different just by changing the people inside. In the text you gave us, you mentioned that Mr. Momose said, "The purpose of training is to see if you can give it your all. I now believe that this is not limited to actors in training. I feel as if I am being asked that question, whether I am doing everything I can to make this EATI project reach its performance. Theater cannot be done alone, and I wonder if I am ready to do everything in my power to share a single moment with someone else.

 As I am involved in this project, I can't help but think about the issue of language. The language we need in our daily lives is different from the highly specialized words and abstract images we try to convey in our creative work. However, I feel that when I am trying to communicate something to someone who does not share my native language, I have a stronger sense that I am consciously inspecting the language I normally use and my own linguistic ability than when I am speaking with other Japanese people in my daily life. This was also the case at the recent symposium. Perhaps this is because, when I think about this in Japanese, there is a strong difference in the nature of "conversation" and "dialogue. When I try to convey my thoughts and feelings to others, I am forced to rethink whether the words I have just chosen are appropriate in relation to the other person. In order to establish a "dialogue," it is important to be able to choose the right words and send them out, as well as to be able to read the context and receive and interpret the other person's words. Whether it is Mr. Momose of FCP or Mr. Yamada, who I am in charge of now, they are carefully working to share their values with actors from different languages and cultures. The theater is a place for dialogue. Every day I am reminded that the theater is a place for dialogue.

 My impression is that the symposium was inevitably short and I did not have enough time to talk. The quality of what I usually say changes when there is someone there to listen. I know that someone is reading this letter, and that I will try to continue with "Othello" and "In the Thicket," as well as with our personal stories.

2022.8.24 Seiya Ishida
