
もしトラ-もしトランプ氏の(外耳ではなく)頭部に銃弾が当たっていたら . . . 銃撃事件・暗殺未遂事件(神のご加護)【1MOA:91メートル先の500円硬貨】

Anti-gun protesters stand outside as couples with AR-15 rifles and other guns participate in a ceremony at the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania.
(February 28, 2018)

God Doesn't Bless Guns.
What would Jesus pack?

イザヤ書 2:4


Couples Clutching AR-15 Rifles Renew Wedding Vows at Controversial Pennsylvania Church
Newsweek (March 1, 2018)


でふれましたが、今回は銃器類の集弾性能(機械としての精度)Minute of Angle について...(角度)1度(degree of arc / arc degree)の 1 / 60 である1分(minute of arc / arc minute)を銃器業界では(角度の1分)Minute of Angle(MOA)と呼びます。銃口と標的の間の距離が100ヤードの場合、1MOA(角度の1分)は、頂角が1分(1 / 60 度)で高さ(長さ)が100ヤード(3600インチ、約 91.44 メートル)の極めて細長い直円錐の底面(直径 1.047 インチ半径 0.5235 インチ)の円)に相当します。

頂角の半分 ⇒    0.5 分 = 0.0083333 度 = 0.0001454 ラジアン ]
半径 0.5235 インチ = 3600 インチ × tan(0.0001454 ラジアン)]
直径 1.047 インチ ]

尚、1MOAは100ヤード先では直径 1.047 インチの円に相当しますが、半分の距離(50ヤード)では直径 0.5235 インチの円、2倍の距離(200ヤード)では直径 2.094 インチの円に該当します。

(※ 銃口を中心とする半径が100ヤード(3600インチ、約 91.44 メートル)の巨大な円を想定し、中心角360度(円周全体)に相当する円周の長さ(直径 × 円周率)を21600分(=360度 × 60分)で割って、中心角1分に相当する円周の長さを計算する簡便な説明が一般的かもしれません。)

( 2 x 3600 x π )÷( 360 x 60 )= 1.047

1 MOA(versus 1 milli-Radian)

(円周全体は 21600 分 / 約 6283 mRad(2 π Rad))

熟練した射撃手が、集弾性能の高い(例えば、1 MOA)アサルトライフルassault rifle)で100ヤード(91.44 メートル)の距離から的に向かって10発撃つと、下記写真のように、機械としての銃器の精度に従って、直径が 1.047 インチ(約 26.6 ミリメートル、500円硬貨の直径(26.5 ミリメートル)とほぼ同じ大きさ)の円周内に全ての弾痕が収まります。(どれだけ正確に撃っても、上下左右のばらつきがなくなる(弾痕が全て重なる)ことはありません。)

(※ 1インチ= 25.4 ミリメートル)

Minute of Angle (MOA) Accuracy Out of the Box

重力(銃弾が落下)や空気抵抗(銃弾が減速)や風の影響を補正しながら照準を合わせて正確に発射された銃弾が 91.44 メートル先の500円硬貨に命中する精度の銃器を一般市民が所有していないことを祈ります。

トーマス・クルックス容疑者は、父親が10年余り前に合法的に購入した民生用(DPMS Panther Arms 社製)のAR-15(MOAは3~4、演説会場の演台までの距離(150ヤード前後)では直径が4.5インチ~6インチ強(約12~16センチメートル)の円の範囲で弾道が上下左右にばらつきます)で8発撃った直後に


The local police snipers photographed DID NOT take the fatal shot. The kill shot was a single shot taken by a Secret Service counter sniper.
north building
south building

事件発生後、(日頃、銃器類について投稿している)多数の YouTuber が公開した検証動画を観ましたが、射撃の名人であっても、150ヤード前後の距離から(容疑者が使用した程度の)集弾性能の低いAR-15でトランプ元大統領の右耳を狙い撃つことは不可能であり、トランプ氏の陣営や共和党による自作自演説は否定されています。





You are not Alone
by Danny Hahlbohm

さて、(合法的に民間で保有することができない軍用のM16の代わりに)金色のAR-15を鉄の杖(rod of iron)として崇める(母子喧嘩の末に追放された文鮮明教祖と韓鶴子総裁の7男)文亨進氏は

ヨハネの黙示録 2:26-27
勝利を得る者、わたしのわざを最後まで持ち続ける者には、諸国民を支配する権威を授ける。 彼は鉄の杖をもって、ちょうど土の器を砕くように、彼らを治めるであろう。それは、わたし自身が父から権威を受けて治めるのと同様である。

ヨハネの黙示録 12:5-6
女は男の子を産んだが、彼は鉄の杖をもってすべての国民を治めるべき者である。この子は、神のみもとに、その御座のところに、引き上げられた。 女は荒野へ逃げて行った。そこには、彼女が千二百六十日のあいだ養われるように、神の用意された場所があった。

The Great Coronation of the Authority of Liberation of God, the King of Kings (March 15, 2015)



Recent Sermons & Speeches
Fight! Fight! Fight! (July 14, 2024, Pastor HJ Sean Moon)

銃撃事件の翌日に行われた説教では(広く報道されている内容とは異なり)容疑者は低倍率可変(LPV / LPVO - Low Power Varaible / Low Power Varaible Optic)スコープを備えた Daniel Defense 社製のDD4(AR-15)



AR-15 style rifles rose to iconic status in US via marketing, militarization

By Brad Brooks     July 20, 2024

A woman holds her AR-15-style rifle as people attend a blessing ceremony with their AR-15-style rifles in their cases at the Sanctuary Church in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania. (February 28, 2018)

AR-15は、M16がアーマライトで開発された時の製品名。制式採用前はAR-15(モデル No.602)としてアメリカ政府に納入された。現在は各銃器メーカーが販売するセミオートのみの民間版にこの名称が使用されている。




Church blesses AR-15-wielding couples wearing crowns made of bullets and says guns would have stopped Florida shooting

The World Peace and Unification Sanctuary promises global unity through heavy firepower

Reuters and Associated Press

Published: 7:34am, 1 Mar 2018
Updated: 4:04am, 26 Jun 2018

Hundreds of couples toting AR-15 rifles, some wearing crowns made of bullets, packed a Unification church in Pennsylvania on Wednesday to have their marriages blessed and their weapons celebrated as the “rods of iron” mentioned in the Bible.

With state police and a smattering of protesters standing watch outside the church, brides clad in white and grooms in dark suits brought dozens of unloaded AR-15s into the church for the religious event, which doubled as an advertisement for the Second Amendment.

​Standing before the congregation in the World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, the Reverend Hyung Jin-moon prayed for “a kingdom of peace police and peace militia.”

It was a kingdom, he said, “where the citizens, through the right given to them by almighty God to keep and bear arms, will be able to protect one another and protect human flourishing.”

The church, which has a worldwide following, believes the AR-15 symbolises the “rod of iron” in the book of Revelation. An AR-15 was used in the Florida high school massacre on February 14.

Many celebrants wore crowns – some made of bullets – while church officials dressed in flowing bright pink and white garments to go with their armaments.

At one point, the Reverend Yeon Ah Lee Moon hefted an AR-15 with what appeared to be elaborate gold plating and decorations.

An attendant checked each weapon at the door to make sure it was unloaded and secured with a zip tie, and the elaborate commitment ceremony went off without a hitch.

Tim Elder, Unification Sanctuary’s director of world missions, said the ceremony was meant to be a blessing of couples, not “inanimate objects,” calling the AR-15 a “religious accoutrement.”

The commitment ceremony was also given the name “Perfection Stage Book of Life Registration Blessing”.

In a statement, the Reverend Moon said: “Each of us is called to use the power of the ‘rod of iron’ not to arm or oppress as has been done in satanic kingdoms of this world, but to protect God’s children.”

He continued: “If the football coach who rushed into the building to defend students from the [Florida school] shooter with his own body had been allowed to carry a firearm, many lives, including his own, could have been saved”

Moon is the son of the late Reverend Sun Myung Moon, a self-proclaimed messiah who founded the Unification Church, which critics regard as a cult.

The younger Moon’s congregation is a breakaway faction of the Unification Church, which had distanced itself from Wednesday’s event.

But coming on the heels of the high school massacre in Parkland, Florida, the ceremony rubbed emotions raw.

“It’s scaring people in the community,” one protester told a church member. “Are you aware of that?”

Lisa Desiena, from Scranton, protested outside the church with a sign that called the group an “armed religious cult.”

She said she owns a gun, but “I don’t need a freaking assault weapon to defend myself. Only thing they’re good for is killing. Period. That’s all that weapon is good for, mass killing. And you want to bless it? Shame on you.”

But Sreymom Ouk, 41, who attended the ceremony with her husband, Sort Ouk, and came with their AR-15, said the weapon is useful for defending her family against “sickos and evil psychopaths.”

“People have the right to bear arms, and in God’s kingdom, you have to protect that,” she said. “You have to protect against evil.”

Students from a junior school near the church were relocated for the day to distance them from the gun-toting couples at the ceremony, according to the Wallenpaupack School District website.

A spokesman for the church said the marriage blessing ceremony had been planned long before the February 14 massacre.

The Pennsylvania school district three years ago called off classes during the massive manhunt for survivalist Eric Frein, who police said used an AK-47 style weapon to ambush a Pennsylvania state trooper barracks and then fled into the mountains.

Frein was found guilty in April of killing a Pennsylvania state trooper and wounding another in the September 2014 attack.
