
How I started to think about paid articles?

*If you would like to read in Japanese version, the URL is as below.


I started writing paid articles this year. It's just a start and I have also been thinking of my purpose of writing articles on note. This article will be based on my idea of how I started to think about paid articles. 

My past of rethinking my purpose is as below. I think my basic idea of writing articles on here, when I reread it.

You can read the articles on note, even though you don't have a note account. This fact made me limit what I wanted to write. I had a Twitter (X) account in the past and know how it is fun to use it and communicate with others in the world. Note is also a social media. I am not sure how often the note's articles are read. However, I was asking myself if I should continue writing everything, including my personal experiences and feelings. Moreover, I couldn't keep on writing about my family. 

My articles are mainly written in English for my studies. This is my idea of how I think about paid articles. If you are interested in further information about my ideas and paid articles, I appreciate that you could read the rest of my article.



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