

2023年12月1日、コロナ禍以来の投稿になります。来年の2024年1月1日より、合同会社Le Mondeが始動します。(開業は2023年9月1日に設立していましたが、色々と協議を重ね、正式なスタートは2024年になりました。)Le Mondeはフランス語で「世界」の意味です。また、インスタグラムのアカウントもlemondedaikiで、良く「レモンデ大輝?」と言われますが、これはLe Monde Daikiの意です。お洒落で知性のある人たちは気づくかもしれませんね(笑)。お洒落じゃない皆さん、お疲れ様です(イラッとしないで笑ってくださいね)。
Le Mondeという名前の会社は、確かにプレッシャーが伴います。会社がある場所が「いやいや、俺の所在地、沖縄市の寂れた場所だし、厳しいやろ。」と聞こえてきそうですが、「待ったとけよ。この5年〜7年はしっかり足場を固める時期ですが、8年後は違う拠点が増えているぞ。」という想いを持っています。その場所も見違えるくらい違う景色が広がっていると考えています。プライドのある深い想いは、必ず叶うものです。

December 1, 2023 - This marks my first post since the onset of the pandemic. From January 1, 2024, the joint company "Le Monde" will kick off. (Although it was established on September 1, 2023, after consultations with an accountant, the official start is set for 2024.) "Le Monde" means "the world" in French, and my Instagram account, "lemondedaiki," often leads people to say "LemondeDaiki?" Lemon? with a smile. Those who are stylish and intelligent might notice, I've always thought. To everyone less concerned with fashion, thank you for your hard work (laughs, don't get irritated, just smile).

Returning to the past, during my early twenties in Tokyo, my senior, whose name was Mondo san, was the one who first introduced me to wine. He was an admired senior, both internally and externally handsome, and he was my goal at that time. Since then, I decided that when I establish a company, its name should be "Monde." I want to expand globally, take on challenges, or, let's say, have ambitious goals. It's important to have big aspirations.

Naming a company "Le Monde" does come with pressure. I can almost hear, "Hey, my location is a desolate place in Okinawa City, and it's tough." However, I think, "Hold on. Although the scale is that of a joint company for the next 5 to 7 years, it will become a corporation, 'Le Monde,' in 8 years." I believe this place will look completely different. Deep, proud feelings always come true.

To continue writing on Note, this amount seems just right. I plan to post it in the blog section of my company's website. The purpose of writing a blog? I want to construct various things and ideas. It's good to think while writing. Anyway, I have to keep moving forward.
