
#万生集(#生きる目的 ・意味・コツ)192 ~Manseishu/collection of #purpose(#meaning) of life~








ほとんどすべての偉大な工藝はこの平常の世界から来たのである。工藝はあの詩人ホイットマンが云う「神聖なる尋常」´Diving Average´の世界にある。

It is appearance of crafts that the beauty is thick and things meet the world, isn't it?  Regardless of high and low, rich and poor, It is the companion of all living things. We are surrounded by goods tomorrow and evening. It is the gift eases our mind, isn't it? 

There is no world of crafts in the world without uses. This, service to use, is the heart of crafts. The beauty of crafts is the beauty of service. The heart of service adds the beauty of health to the vessel. The beauty of crafts is the beauty of health.

The closer the art is to the ideal, the more beautiful it is. The more the crafts interact with reality, the more beautiful it is. 

There is no happiness where there is no labor.

Knowledge dies in that ignorance and technique ends in poor policy, doesn't they? True wisdom should be the one which can't ever stop in it.

Innocent means the leaving to the nature. The reason why the beauty of innocent is because it lives freely in nature. When it is in freedom, the work enters the beauty of creation by itself. Creation is the work of nature. Zen master Nansen's clause said ' The road does not belong to knowledge, dose not belong to ignorance. This, Knowledge, is delusion. Ignorance is the unanswered questions.'

The beauty does not belong to knowledge and ignorance. There is its hometown only between chagrin. People who put knowledge on the throne won't be able to see the beauty. The starting of beauty is not intellect but intuition.

Almost all great crafts have come from the ordinary world. Crafts ,that poets Whitman said, should be in the world of  'Sacred ordinary', 'Diving Average'.

(2020.12.5.思想家 柳宗悦 『工藝の道』、Thinker Muneyoshi(Soetsu) Yanagi, 'The way of Crafts.')
