
観光MICE分野 今後の6つのキーポイント(GDS-Index2023結果レポートより)

観光やビジネスイベント(MICE)分野で唯一の国際指標である GDS-Index(Global Destination Sustainabitlity Index)。100都市が参加した2023年の結果から見えてきた、今後の更なる推進に向けた6つのキーポイントが公式ウェブサイト上で公開されています。



1 気候変動対策に関する戦略に観光MICE分野が組み込まれる(Increasing integration into climate strategies)

85% of all cities have a climate mitigation and adaptation strategy. While this is an increasing trend, only 33% of cities have integrated tourism and events into their climate strategies.



2 より幅広いステークホルダーの巻き込み(Wider stakeholder engagement)

Destinations are getting better at engaging with stakeholders, yet there is a need to enhance multi-stakeholder collaboration. Presently, only 35% of destinations engage with a comprehensive range of stakeholders encompassing industry, clients, government, and the community.



3 第三者認証取得が加速(Growing third-party certification)

Index data reveals that certification is gaining significant traction worldwide. Certification rates for hotel rooms vary across regions: the Nordic region averages at 70%, Western Europe at 28%, Asian Pacific destinations at 15%, and North American (including many Canadian) destinations at 32%. Venues are leading the change. In Nordic destinations, 84% of venues are certified, followed by 71% in the Asia Pacific, 46% in Western Europe, and 14% in Eastern Europe.



4 社会インパクトに関する戦略が打ち出されてきている(Formalising social impact strategies)

Over the past year, there has been an increase in Convention Bureaus formalising their social impact strategies. Leading destinations with well-integrated business events and tourism master plans, coupled with clear sustainability strategies, have been at the forefront of this transition. 44% of cities are facilitating partnerships to help clients generate a long-term, positive impact and legacy in the destination.



5 DEIへの関心の高まり(Increasing focus on diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI))

There has been a focus on DEI issues in 2023, especially in North America. 47% of destinations now have an action plan for DEI. Of the top 40, 75% of cities have DEI policies and initiatives.



6 サステナビリティに関する情報発信力の向上(Greater storytelling)

53% of destinations are talking about their sustainability efforts and strategies via their websites. Advanced destinations are getting better at telling stories that engage and move audiences.


(GDS-Index参加100都市中)53%の都市がサステナビリティに関する戦略や取り組みをウェブサイトで公開している。中には、訴求力が高く閲覧者のエンゲージメントを引き出す内容(Story telling)を発信する都市もでてきている。