
January 4, 2024: Studying Maths (33), Simultaneous Equations(連立方程式)

This is my first article of this year about studying maths. I have just finished studying simultaneous equations. It was not so hard to understand and I managed to solve questions. I am happy to be off to a good start this year. It has been about two months since I began to study maths with a new book. It is much harder than the previous one, and I need a longer time than the previous one to understand each page. It also has more questions than the previous one. And they are much more difficult to solve. So, I could only finish 25 pages in these two months. It seems to take me at least another five months to finish the book of about 130 pages. Or it may take me much longer, until the end of the year, to finish the book because the further I go, the harder it seems to get.
In any case, I will enjoy learning maths and advance it step by step.






