
May 9, 2023: My Wife, Beauty Salon (妻、美容院)

Until recently, my wife had been in a good mood. It made me happy with it and also helped me to have lived in peace. But a few days ago, she faced something that hurt her feelings extremely. She faced it when she went to a beauty salon.
She had found it about a year ago. When she first had her hair cut there, it cut her hair so well that she was fully satisfied with it. She has continued to use the salon ever since. But it has had a problem she has often complained to me about. It has had a problem with the booking system. In the beginning, it took appointments over the phone. But it suddenly began to use an online booking system one day. When the system started working, my wife, one of the most frequent users, had priority for her appointments. But it changed the settings of the system a few months later and removed her priority. At the time, my wife was upset about this but managed to calm down. And she had made her appointments with the altered system. As she had continued to use it, she got used to it and managed to make her appointments as she wished. So I thought the problem was solved, and I expected her complaint to go away. But it was not the end of the story. The salon has changed the system again. The change embarrassed my wife as she has just gotten used to the system. It not only confused her, but also extremely rubbed her up the wrong way.
I really hope that the salon immediately corrects the system and give me peace.


