
September 30, 2023: Hanshin Tigers, Johan Mieses (阪神タイガース、ミエセス選手)

As usual, the Hanshin Tigers have brought in a number of new players this season, too. Among them is Johan Mieses, an outfielder, who has attracted me the most. He came from the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. As a batter, he is a powerful hitter but has only shown the power a few times so far. That is not good enough for me. I hope he will show me much better performances in the next season.
On the other hand, he has helped the team a lot in different ways. He has a very good character that makes his teammates happy. As seen in Caribbean people, he is very cheerful and always tries to make his teammates laugh. With his cheerful nature, he put in a great performance one day in September as you can see in the attached video.
He showed it in the heavy rain at the Jingu Stadium. The game was cancelled due to the heavy rain. But he was talking with his teammate, Fumihito Haraguchi, on the team bench. Fumihito tried to make Yohan memorize the Japanese phrase ‘Amemo Shitataru Iiotoko’. Yohan repeated the phrase many times to try to remember it.  This was very amusing.
After that, Yohan was motivated by Fumihito to run along a baseball diamond in the heavy rain. At first, he was reluctant to do it, but he did it with determination. He stood in the batter's box and began to make his way to, and dived to, first base. Then, he dashed to second and third, and found Fumihito telling him to run to home base. So he dashed to it and dived. His run was extremely funny and made me laugh a lot. It is his best performance this season and no better performance will be expected this season.

 今年も、阪神タイガースに何人かの新しいプレイヤーが加わりました。その中で、ボクを一番楽しませてくれたのがヨハン ミエセス選手です。ミエセス選手は、カリブ海のドミニカ共和国出身の外野手です。バッタとしては、パワーがありますが、今のところ、そのパワーを数回しか見せくれていません。これでは満足できません。来年は、もっといいパフォーマンスを見られることを期待しています。

