
October 31, 2023:Studying Maths (25), New Book (数学の勉強(25)、新しい本)

I looked for a new book to study maths in English and bought the A-Level Maths for AQA. As I have just begun the book, I still do not know if it matches me. But it looks easy to understand. However, for sure, I will need a longer time to finish the book than before. It is much harder than before. It also has a lot of English words I do not know. Anyway, I will keep going on and see how much I can understand the book.
Anyway, it is strange that I am still willing to study maths. It has been almost one year since I began to study maths. In the beginning, I had thought that I would find it hard to study maths and would soon give it up. But I managed to finish it. However, I did not expect to find it in myself to do it more and try a new book. I do not know exactly why I keep going. I have had nothing I want to achieve with maths. I just want to carry on. But what I can only say is that practice makes perfect. Studying maths for about one year has changed my mind and made me interested in it. As a result, I am becoming unable to stop it. It is as if I were in a world I had never seen. Everything I see in the world is interesting to me, which encourages me to try to learn more. My maths is still poor, but may improve dramatically one day.

 英語で数学を勉強するために新しい本を探した結果、A-Level Maths for AQAを買いました。まだ読み始めたばかりなので、自分に合っているかどうかはわかりません。でも、分かりやすそうです。でも、この本を読み終えるには、以前より長い時間が必要なのは確実です。前よりずっと難しく、知らない英単語もたくさん出てきます。とにかく、続けてみて、どこまで理解できるかやってみます。

