
April 7, 2022:電子書籍、バカ安、iPad (EBooks, Bargain Price, iPad)

 I was surprised at and confused by the bargain price of a foreign e-book. I checked the original book price of ‘The New Map’ Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations’ by Daniel Yergin on Amazon.co.jp. The paperback cost 2,813 yen, but, to my surprise, the e-book was only 384 yen. It was so low that I checked the price on the website of Kinokuniya Bookstore, and the price was close to 384 yen. Accordingly, I immediately bought it. After that, I searched for it on Amazon.co.jp again and found another e-book version of the book. It costs 2,858 yen and has 496 pages. Its number of pages is less than the 384 yen version. I wish that it would not disappear from my Kindle suddenly one day.
 My iPad Air is about to break down. I have used it for almost five years. It has often failed to take charge. It may be on its last legs. But, I cannot afford to buy a new iPad. I wish that it would suddenly return to normal.

 洋書の電子書籍がバカ安です。Amazonであるダニエル・ヤーギン氏の「新しい世界の資源地図: エネルギー・気候変動・国家の衝突」の原書を買おうと価格を調べたところ、ペーパーバック版は2,813円でした。ところが、同じ電子書籍版はなんと384円でした。あまりに安いので、紀伊國屋書店で電子書籍版の価格を調べました。その結果、Amazonと同じような価格だったので、直ちに購入しました。買った後に、よく調べてみると、ペーパーバッック版に近い価格の電子書籍版がありました。2つの電子書籍版のページ数を比べると、384円版が547ページに対して、2,858円版が496ページで384円版の方が多いです。Kindleからある日突然消えことがなければいいのですが。
