
December 8, 2023: Locked Up in My Flat (家に引きこもる)

I have been locked up in my flat all day since December 4. I live on the 5th floor of my apartment and am not allowed to go down to the ground floor. I have no means to go down. Of course, it has a lift and a staircase, but I cannot use both for a while.
The lift is temporarily out of order because it is now being replaced and it takes another week to finish. So I have no choice but to use the stairs to go down to the ground. I could go down the stairs if I felt like it. But I am not brave enough to and have no mind to do so. It is a great challenge and extremely hard work for me to go down the stairs. As I have problems with my hips, I am afraid of having a serious injury while I am going down the stairs.
It is much better to stay at home all day than to go down the stairs. So, I made up my mind to stay at home for all ten days until December 14.
It is not so hard to stay at home all day as I am used to staying at home all day. I also have a lot of things to do. Above all, I am very glad that I can spend more of my time writing articles. But I have one problem. That is, I cannot go out on the street for the ten days. That is very bad for my health, especially for my hips. I cannot afford not to walk out of doors. So every day, I walk a corridor in front of my flat on the 5th floor. But it is not long enough for an hour's walk and I have to go back and forth many times. I am very afraid of being seen as weird.

 階段を下りるくらいなら、一日中、家にいるほうがずっといいです。 というわけで、12月14日までの10日間ずっと、家にいることにしました。



