
July 9, 2023: Listening to Music, YouTube, Rabbits (音楽視聴、ユーチューブ、うさぎ)

When I am doing something with a PC, I always listen to music. I used to use Tsutaya to listen to it. I rented music CDs and recorded the music on the PC. But I no longer use the store. Instead, I listen to music on YouTube. I listen to a wide variety of music. And I listen to different music in the morning and in the afternoon. In the morning, I often listen to healing music. But sometimes, I listen to Studio Ghibli's music. In the afternoon, I listen to old Western music. Among them are Queen, Elton John, Lionel Richie and Billy Joel, whose music, whose music I often listen to a lot now. They took the world by storm when I was at school.
YouTube not only entertain me with music. But they also give me lots of fun to watch videos. In particular, I love watching videos of healing music. They are very different. Among them are the two, which focus on rabbits. They heal me a lot and I love watching them the most.
They also surprised me to see that there are different types of rabbits. I only knew a few of them, and most of them I did not know. They are so sweet that I am fascinated by them. In particular, I am most attracted by the ones with the lopped ears. They are called lop-eared rabbits due to their ears. They also have different types and account for 15% of all rabbits.

 毎日、パソコンに向かっている時は、音楽を聴いています。以前は、ツタヤのディスカスでCD借りて録音していた音楽を聴いていたのですが、最近はもっぱらユーチューブで音楽を聴いています。聞く曲は様々ですが、午前と午後では明らかに違います。午前中は、穏やかなヒーリング系の曲を聞いています。たまにジブリの音楽聞くこともあります。午後は、洋楽を聞くことが多いです。お気に入りは、クイーン、エルトン ジョン、ライオネル・リッチーとビリージョエルです。いずれも、ボクが学生だった40年前に一世を風靡したしました。


