
March 30, 2023: My Body Characteristics (2), Stiff, Tall with Long Arms and Legs (ボクの体の特徴(2)、硬い、手足が長く背が高い)

As I described in my previous article, I am tall with long arms and legs. On the other hand, I have a stiff body and had hated doing stretches since I was a child. It was nothing but a pain for me. And it had killed my enjoyment. For example, when I was in junior high school, I joined an athletics club to enjoy long-distance running and training. But I was sometimes reluctant to go to the club since I had to do stretches such as seated forward bend.
However, since I began stretching about a few years ago, I have been aware of some changes in my stiff body. My body has gradually become more flexible. I am able to do deeper forward bends while seating, without pain. And I am also able to do the middle split stretches a little better than before. As a result, one day, I was told by my wife that my body got much more flexible than before. She also asked me if I could lock my hands behind my back. But, unfortunately, I have still been unable to do that.
At that moment, it occurred to me that my arms and legs were long enough to make up for my stiff body. Historically, human beings have survived by adapting to changing environments. Our skin colours have changed according to the environment where we have lived in. So it is not unnatural that my arms and legs have grown so long to compensate for my inflexible body.


