
December 3, 2023: My Memory (記憶力)

It has been a long time since I have no longer memorised things. Nowadays, I do not have to do that and I can go through my daily life without memorising things. In fact, I have no phone numbers of my family, relatives and friends in my head. I do not even register them on my mobile phones. I no longer need them because I can talk to them on Line. And Line allows me to do so for free. Everything has been becoming more and more convenient year by year thanks to advances in technology. And my life has been getting easier and easier to live.
But that does not always seem to be a good thing. The other day, I had trouble as I had not remembered a thing well. It happened when I was paying a doctor’s bill at a hospital. I was trying to pay for it with a credit card. Then, I was asked to type a PIN code and did so. But the PIN code did not work and I was asked to type another code. So I typed another one but it did not work, either. And I did it again and failed again. It slipped my mind and I gave up paying it with the credit card. In the end, I paid the bill in cash. After that, I tried, and managed, to recall it. I was shocked by that very much. I have always paid with a credit card and had not expected to forget the PIN code. But looking back, I had not used my PIN code recently because I was not asked for it for paying for small amounts. Then, I knew that if I did not use what was in my head, it would easily disappear from my head. If I do not use it so often, I have to write it down on paper or a PC. And I was aware that I had better do something to enhance my memory.




