
December 17, 2023: Top Three Purchases This Year (今年の買い物ベスト3)

These days, I have bought most of what I need on Amazon. I have found that this year, I had already shopped about sixty times. It was a big surprise as I had not remembered that I had shopped so many times. I am sure that I shopped very often, but I did not spend that much money. Most of what I bought was used books. Amazon is the best to buy used books. But sometimes I have seen used bookshops that were out of what I expected.
Among what I bought this year, I have listed the top three. The third best is Philips' nose hair trimmer. I used to have Panasonic’s but was not happy with it. It did not cut my nose hair as I expected. I did not feel like cleaning out. So I replaced it with Philips’. It was much better than the Panasonic one.
The second best is an e-book about English tenses. I have read a lot of books for perfect tense. But I have not been able to understand perfect tense fully. So I bought a book, Practice Makes Perfect English Verb Tenses Up Close by Mark Lester. It helped me to clear what is perfect tense.
The best is an English grammar book, Macmillan English Grammar In Context Advanced Pack. I used to study English grammar alone with the Oxford English Grammar Course, and I finished the whole of the book three times. Then I started studying with Macmillan’s. It was much better than I expected. Its explanations of grammatical points are so simple that I need other books to understand. But it has lots of good practices that are expected to improve my grammar.

第二位は、英語の時制に関する電子書籍です。完了形に関する本はたくさん読んできましたが、十分に理解できていないので、マーク・レスターの『Practice Makes Perfect English Verb Tenses Up Close』を買いました。この本で完了形の分からないことがすっきりしました。
第一位は、英語の文法書 『Macmillan English Grammar In Context Advanced Pack』です。以前はOxford English Grammar Courseを使って英文法を独学していましたが、これを3回やり終えたところで、Macmillanで勉強を始めました。思ったよりずっと良かったです。文法事項の説明はとても簡単で、理解するためには他の本が必要なくらいです。でも、良質の練習問題がたくさんあり、英文法のレベルアップが期待できそうです。
