
May 4, 2023: Replacing My PC. (パソコンの買い替え)

I ended up buying a new PC. Before that, I had used a desktop PC. It suddenly went wrong and was unable to shut down. When I clicked `Shutdown`, it began to try to shut down with the screen turning dark. But it only kept trying to shut down and ended up failing to shut down. I tried it at least ten times a day but could not shut it down. So I had no choice but to press the power button. Then, I was able to shut it down. After shutting it down, I pressed the power button, and the PC booted normally. I could probably have continued to use the PC by using the power button to shut it down. But I gave it up as I thought it would break down sooner or later. It was thrown away only two years after I had bought it.
Before I threw away the PC that could not shut down, I had another bad luck. It was when I was using another desktop PC. It was made in Japan but went wrong with the liquid crystal display just two years after I bought it. I got the manufacturer to fix it for free. But it broke down again just a few months later. So I had to give it up. As a result, I had to throw away two PCs in less than five years.
I know PCs can always be a hit or miss. But it was too soon to drop them in less than five years. I wasted a lot of time and money.
This time, I bought a Dell PC for the first time. It has worked well for now and will work well for at least a year. The problem is after about a year and a half. By around that time, it will go wrong. I hope it works well for at least three years or more.


