
March 9, 2022:地図帳、地理、大好きな科目、ソビエト連邦 (Atlas, Geography, Favorite Subject, Soviet Union)

 When I was a child, I loved reading atlases and studying geography. It all began when I got an atlas of Japan in the third grade. It was so much fun to read it and imagine the areas where I'd never been. It was also fun to memorize prefectural capitals. And, I wanted to learn about various regions and countries in the world and asked my parents for a world atlas. It helped me learn about their climates, cultures and industries more deeply. I spent my pocket money on books for geography, including the books for university students. As a result, my school records on geography were always the best in the same grade.
 At that time, Ukraine and Russia were part of the Soviet Union. It was a global superpower equal to the United States. However, it did not attract me since the social system differed from Japan and was closed to the outside world.

