
February 20, 2024: Love Triangle (三角関係)

Chie was annoyed by what to do. She has a very good friend, Botan. Chie and Botan met in kindergarten and have been on good terms ever since. But one day, Botan told Chie that she loved Akira. But she had not yet told it to Akira because she was afraid of being declined. This was the beginning of Cihe’s headaches. In fact, she was told by Akira that he loved her very much and wanted to go out with her. Chie had not yet said yes or no to the offer but was ready to accept it if she was asked frequently. However, she was not easily able to say yes to it once she knew that Botan loved him deeply. Chie knew that her deep relationship with Botan would end as soon as Botan found out that Chie was involved with Akira. So, Chie thought about the best way to solve the issue. At first, she considered which was more important to her, her good relationship with Botan or newly having a relationship with Akira. Then, the answer was clear. Her good relationship with Botan was much more important than that with Akira. She did not like Akira as much as Botan loved him. So, she made up her mind to put top priority on keeping the current good relationship with Botan, which meant that she would not accept Akira’s offer.
Instead, she decided to play Cupid between Botan and Akira. First, she encouraged Botan to tell Akira that Botan deeply loved him and would like to go out with her. She also told Botan that she would support her as much as possible. Before that, she had told Akira that she did not intend to go out with him since she, unfortunately, did not like him so much. Instead, she encouraged him to think about Botan, and she told him how deeply Botan loved him. Then, Akira understood it and asked Chie to give him a week to think about Botan.
A week later, Akira replied to Chie that he was ready to get out with Botan, but he was not sure if he would be able to keep the relationship for long or not. Chie thanked Akira and told him to make Botan tell him how much she loved him before they went out. So, Chie strongly encouraged Botan to confess her love to Akira and arranged for them to meet. In the end, Botan successfully began to get out with Akira.


