
April 4, 2023: Roundabout (3), France, Japan (ラウンドアバウト、フランス、日本)

When I lived in Europe, I had seen a lot of roundabouts. They are very common and are everywhere. Among them was a French roundabout around the Arc de Triomphe that seemed the most dangerous I had ever seen. It was bigger and busier than any roundabout I had seen in the UK and the Netherlands. It saw a lot of drivers all jumbled up and sometimes, got stuck. It often had drivers who were changing their lanes with honking their horns. I had passed it by taxi many times when I visited Paris on business. But I was reluctant to take it myself when I saw the jumbles.
In general, it seems to me that driving in France is not as easy as in the UK or the Netherlands. French drivers steer more roughly than British or Dutch drivers. And the further south we go, the more roughly French drivers handle. The roughest ride I had was when I took a taxi in the south of France. His driving was so rough that I thought I was going to die.
Like British and Dutch drivers, Japanese are generally safe drivers. But they have hardly had the chance to drive on roundabouts in Japan. Junctions in the country only have traffic lights. And they also have a lot of confusing road signposts. Instead of traffic lights, roundabouts would be a better choice for these junctions. They would help the traffic flow better. They also help to save money as they do not need traffic lights.


