

Happy International Women’s Day!
3月8日は国際女性デー(International Women’s Day)です。
今回、国際女性デーを記念して、CamblyのブラジルチームをまとめているマネージャーJulia Paco にインタビューしました!その英語インタビュー内容を日本語訳と共にご紹介します。知っておくと役立つ単語もピックアップしているので、英語の勉強も兼ねてぜひご覧ください。


What does international women’s day(IWD) mean to you? Do you think it’s important to celebrate women’s day?

It’s a day to reflect, remember, and thank all the women who fought and are still fighting for our right to study, work, manage our money, vote, and express ourselves freely. For me, International Women’s Day is about honoring our past victories — no matter how small — and looking forward with optimism to greater triumphs in securing rights for every woman worldwide.


  • reflect  真剣に考える

  • optimism 楽観

What does gender equity mean to you? 

To truly value and empower every member of our society, we need to commit to gender equity. That means respecting each other’s freedom no matter what race, age, or sexual orientation they may be. We can all act within our communities by ensuring that everyone is given fair opportunities regardless of who they are!


  • commit 責任を持つ、全てを捧げる

  • sexual orientation 性的指向

Have you faced any barriers in your career due to being a woman? If so, how did you overcome them? 

Throughout history, women have faced countless obstacles in the pursuit of success. Whether it be unequal pay or limited job opportunities, these socially-ingrained barriers continue to hinder career progress today and create disparities between genders. 

In my case, I’ve struggled many times to recognize these barriers. Growing up, I was constantly told to be “nice” and too often found myself settling for second best because of it. Whenever something important came along, my voice went unheard — almost like that nice girl facade sealed me off from whatever opportunities may have come about had I been more assertive. Fortunately, I found a company (Cambly) that gave me space and opportunity to grow regardless of gender. It’s a blessing to have luck on my side, but I’m mindful of the fact that not all women are as fortunate.


  • obstacles 障害

  • mindful 意識している

Do you think diversity in the workplace is important?

Diversity isn’t just a trend or statement — it’s essential for progress and growth. When we have an equal representation of people from all backgrounds, experiences, genders and races in the workplace, ideas come alive with multi-dimensional perspectives that ultimately lead to innovations. The lack thereof limits everyone involved by not allowing them their full potential — whether they know it or not! That’s why I’m determined to be part of workplaces where diversity and inclusion are embraced wholeheartedly: because anything else would be holding us back!


  • ultimately 最終的に

  • wholeheartedly 心から

Any advice or message to all the women out there?

It’s hard to pick one, but being open to change is good advice. Try different things to find out which direction you want to go, don’t let anyone define what you should be, and use your voice to make your point.





