



Why Chinese Apps Are the Favorites of Young Americans, Wall Street Journal, Mar. 26, 2023.

It isn’t just the algorithms, but lessons from a competitive cultureBy Shen LuFollow, Karen HaoFollow and Raffaele Huang

Four of the five hottest apps in the US in March were forged in China. Algorit


Tim Cook Praises Apple's 'Symbiotic Relationship' With China During Beijing Visit, MacRumors, Mar. 27, 2023.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has praised his company's "symbiotic relationship" with China during his first visit to the country in the last three years.

In his first visit since the pandemic began in 2020, th


Former Taiwan president heads to China pledging peace, Reuters, Mar. 27, 2023.

By Fabian Hamacher and Ann Wang

Taiwan's ex-President Ma Ying-jeou became on Monday the first sitting or former Taiwanese leader to visit mainland China since the Communist revolution in 1949, saying


TikTok wants to distance itself from China — but Beijing is getting involved, CNBC, Mar. 24, 2023.

Evelyn Cheng and Sheila Chiang


China would "strongly oppose" a forced sale of TikTok from its Beijing-based parent ByteDance, Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Shu Jueting said Thursday.


Congress is kinda lame, TikTok-verse decides, Politico, Mar. 23, 2023.

TikTok’s CEO endured a half-day of non-stop hammering from Republicans and Democrats on Thursday, and the Washington consensus was pretty clear: as one Congressional reporter put it, “an abject disast


China's top political advisor stresses role of new type of party system in modernization, Xinhua Net, Mar. 23, 2023.

Wang Huning, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Poli


US should drop all additional tariffs on Chinese goods: commerce ministry, China Daily, Mar. 24, 2023.

The United States should cancel in full all additional tariffs imposed on Chinese goods as early as possible, Shu Jueting, spokeswoman for the Ministry of Commerce, said on Thursday.

Additional tarif


Chip Globalization Is Over and Sanctions Work, Says TSMC Founder, Yahoo! News (Bloomberg), Mar. 16, 2023.

Debby Wu

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. founder Morris Chang declared globalization for the chip industry over and expressed support for US efforts to limit China’s tech advancement through e


Zombie Supply Chains, The Wire China, July 16, 2023.

By Nithin Coca

Thanks to the Chinese market, unsustainable supply chains in Southeast Asia just won't go away.
Sukanto Tanoto beamed as he shook Xi Jinping’s hand. It was 2015, and the fact that Tano


Why Is the News 'Broken'? Can It Be Fixed?, Gallup Podcast, July 14, 2023.

It's hard to imagine a free society that has confidence in its institutions without first regaining confidence in those tasked with keeping them accountable. Public trust in television news and newspa


Americans Still Value Immigration, but Have Concerns, Gallup news, July 13, 2023.



68% of Americans say immigration is good for the country today

Majority want level kept the same or increased; 41%, decreased

Close to half or more say immigrants ma


When Multinationals Start De-risking, How Will Beijing Know? Rhodium group, July 18, 2023.

Logan Wright, Agatha Kratz, and Armand Meyer

When foreign companies and investors start “de-risking” and reducing exposure to China’s economy amidst an economic slowdown and rising operational challe
