
Small Business Wants A Bigger Voice on China, The Wire China, Apr. 23, 2023.

(两会观察)做好中美关系“必答题”要倾听三种声音, 中国新闻网, Mar. 10, 2023.

U.S. calls for joint G-7 action to prevent China's economic bullying, Nikkei Asia, Apr. 2, 2023.

Asia Times: The difficult reality for the US is economic dependence on China, Modern diplomacy, Aug. 9, 2023.

ECONOMY, Chinese strategy towards the American companies in China, Modern diplomacy, July 29, 2023.

US should drop all additional tariffs on Chinese goods: commerce ministry, China Daily, Mar. 24, 2023.

Bill Gates, Elon Musk and more flock to China despite U.S. rift, Nikkei Asia, Jun. 29, 2023.

5月外贸数据,有两个大变化, 光明网, Jun. 7, 2023.

Shaky Signal, The Wire China, Apr. 30, 2023.

South Dakota, China And Economic Ties, Press & Dakotan, Mar. 14, 2023.

2023 AmCham China Business Climate Survey – Insights and Analysis, The China Briefings, Mar. 10, 2023.

Premier Li Urges US-China Cooperation, Seeks ‘Concrete Actions,’ Bloomberg News, Mar. 13, 2023.