

マイヤー、ヴァルター ナチス時代のドイツ空軍秘密計画: From Arado to Zeppelin with Contemporary Drawings (English Edition). キンドル版。
Meyer, Walter. Secret Luftwaffe Projects of the Nazi Era: From Arado to Zeppelin with Contemporary Drawings (English Edition). Kindle 版.

第二次世界大戦が終結したとき、連合国はドイツで技術や科学に関連するあらゆる文書を探し出し、押収した。分野は何であれ、その内容は多岐にわたった。1946年の調査によると、100万件を超える別々の文書が押収され、研究のためにイギリスとアメリカへと移送された。ジェットエンジンやジェット機に関する文書だけでも、約50トンの資料があった。連合国は、敗れた敵の驚異的な創造力に衝撃を受けた。ドイツ政府は航空分野に数十億ライヒスマルクを投じ、多数の企業がその資金を活用していた。ドイツにはヴェルナー・フォン・ブラウン、アレクサンダー・リピッシュ、ヘルムート・ヴァルター、オイゲン・ザンガーなど、世界有数の優れた科学者たちがいたことも、大いに役立った。彼らは、ロケット科学、空気力学、そして飛行コンピューターや誘導システムといった関連機器の設計という分野を急速に進化させた。メッサーシュミット、フォッケウルフ、ハインケル、ユンカース、ドルニエ、ブローム・ウント・フォス、アラドなどの企業で働くドイツの設計者やエンジニアたちは、世界でこれまで見られたことのないような革新的なアイデアを生み出した。ここで紹介されている設計の多くは、生産のために検討され、却下されたものだが、少なくともすべてが検討された。メッサーシュミット Me 328のようないくつかは、使い物にならないと判断される前に、苦難に満ちたテストプログラムを経ていた。他の例として、フォッケウルフ Ta 183やユンカース EF.128は実際に生産開始の許可を得ていたが、ドイツの敗北により建造段階には至らなかった。さらに、メッサーシュミット P.1101やブローム・ウント・フォス Bv 40装甲戦闘グライダーのように、実際にプロトタイプとして建造されたものもあった。しかし、戦後のアメリカ、ソ連、イギリスの航空機がこれらの革新的なドイツ設計の単なるコピーであると考えるのは誤りだろう。いくつかはアメリカ人やソビエトによって再現された。例えば、メッサーシュミット Me 263ロケット戦闘機は、ソビエトによってMikoyan-Gurevich I-270としてコピーされたが、後退翼のない翼やT字型の尾翼など、かなりの改良が加えられていた。戦後数年後、アメリカ人はP.1101の設計を大幅に変更してBell X-5を製造した。P.1101の唯一のプロトタイプは、実験目的で地上で直線翼から後退翼への翼の形状を変更するオプションを持って建造された。X-5は、この変更を飛行中に行う能力を導入した。時折、ロシアのMiG-15や北米のF-86セイバーがTa 183の「コピー」とされることがあるが、表面的な調査でも、これらのタイプ間の違いは非常に大きいことが明らかになる。唯一の類似点は、おそらく後退翼とノーズインテークのレイアウトだが、イギリスの最初のジェット機であるグロスター E.28/39も、Ta 183がまだ設計段階にすらなる前の4年前にはすでにノーズインテークのレイアウトを持っていたことに注意する必要がある。高く評価される航空技術者、ハンス・ムルトップによって設計されたTa 183がプロトタイプ段階に達していたとしても、成功する可能性は低かったと考えられる。ムルトップの死後何年も経った後、ビデオゲームデザイナーのチームが、Me 109やスーパーマリン スピットファイアに成功裏に適用された同じ現実世界の物理エンジンを使用して、それのシミュレーションを作成しようと試みた。彼らは、そのタイプが予想されていた最高速度に達する前に、T字型の尾翼が壊れやすいことを発見し、幾分落胆した。それにもかかわらず、ナチス政権下で生み出された実験的な設計は、他国の同時代のものの中でも一際目立っている。物理的な設計がその時代のものである一方で、技術の側面では成功を収め、冷戦初期のジェット機に取り組んでいた人々に大きな影響を与えていたことは疑いの余地がない。



When the Second World War ended, the Allies sought out and seized every document in Germany that had anything to do with technology and science – whatever the field. A survey in 1946 concluded that more than one million separate documents had been seized and removed to Britain and the US for study. The documents relating to jet engines and jet aircraft alone ran to some 50 tons of material. The Allies were shocked by the sheer inventiveness of their defeated enemy. The German government had pumped billions of Reichsmarks into the field of aviation and dozens of companies had been using the money. It helped that Germany had some of the world’s finest scientific minds to call upon – the likes of Wernher von Braun, Alexander Lippisch, Hellmuth Walter, Eugen Sanger, and many more. Between them, they had rapidly advanced the fields of rocket science, aerodynamics, and the design of associated equipment such as flight computers and guidance systems. German designers and engineers working for companies such as Messerschmitt, Focke-Wulf, Heinkel, Junkers, Dornier, Blohm & Voss, and Arado came up with highly innovative ideas, the like of which had sometimes never been seen anywhere in the world before. While many of the designs presented here were considered for production and rejected, all were at least considered. Some, such as the Me 328, underwent tortuous programs of testing before being dropped as unworkable. Others, such as the Focke-Wulf Ta 183 and Junkers EF.128, had actually been given the green light for production to begin but never reached the construction stage due to Germany’s defeat. Still, more were actually built as prototypes – such as the Messerschmitt P.1101 and the Blohm & Voss Bv 40 armored fighting glider. It would be a mistake, however, to believe that all postwar American, Soviet, and British aircraft were simply copies of these innovative German designs. A handful were recreated by the Americans and the Soviets. For example, the Me 263 rocket fighter was copied by the Soviets as the Mikoyan-Gurevich I-270 albeit with some significant modifications such as unswept wings and a T-tail. Several years after the war’s end, the Americans built a heavily modified version of the P.1101 design as the Bell X-5. The lone prototype P.1101 had been constructed with the option to change the geometry of the wings from straight to swept – while stationary on the ground for experimental purposes. The X-5 introduced the ability to make this change in flight. It is sometimes suggested that the Russian MiG-15 and perhaps the North American F-86 Sabre are ‘copies’ of the Ta 183 but even a cursory examination will reveal that the differences between the types are huge. The only similarity is perhaps the swept wing/nose intake layout, and it must be noted that Britain’s first jet aircraft, the Gloster E.28/39, also had a nose intake layout four years before the Ta 183 was even a drawing board project. Even if the vaunted Ta 183, designed by highly respected aeronautical engineer Hans Multhopp, had reached the prototype stage, it is unlikely to have been successful. Many years after its designer’s death, a team of video game designers attempted to create a simulation of it using the same real-world physics engine they’d successfully applied to the likes of the Me 109 and Supermarine Spitfire. It was with some dismay that they discovered the T-tail was prone to break off long before the type reached its projected top speed. Nevertheless, the experimental designs produced under the Nazi regime stand tall among their contemporaries from other nations. There is no doubt that while the physical designs were of their time, aspects of the technology were successful and did indeed exert a strong influence over those working on the first generation of Cold War jets.

A note on the images

The quality of the images presented here varies from perfect to heavily degraded. In the original German documents, designs were sometimes presented only as thumbnails to illustrate a concept. Sometimes they were presented as a silhouette, other times as cutaways or structural diagrams. Many smaller brochure images were given shading and on some occasions, artwork was used to depict the project aircraft in flight. Some of the projects progressed as far as hundreds of full construction drawings. The majority of projects were submitted to various branches of government and multiple copies were made using the photostat equipment of the day. This certainly degraded quality in a number of cases and introduced marks and other blemishes. As the war progressed, many documents were converted to microfilm for easier storage and this too resulted in a reduction in quality. After the collapse, the Allies gathered together as many aviation and other official documents as possible and, in theory, brought them together for processing and examination. Further copies were made, layers of English translation were added over German annotation, and in some cases, annotations were removed altogether to present an uncluttered outline. Documents were distributed to various British and American military and governmental organizations, with some showing more interest than others. The RAE had a huge number of documents and the American Lockheed company likewise came to possess a vast archive of captured material. The quality of the images available within six months of the war's end varied enormously. Some were perfect original drawings, others were copies of those drawings, either German or Allied, some having gone through multiple imperfect generations. Some were degraded from the conditions of their storage, often deep underground, before their recovery by the Allies. As a result, the images presented here also vary widely in quality but are all ultimately from original German sources. No modern artwork has been used or added and apart from cleaning to remove blemishes and other artifacts of the photostat process, no work has been done to 'improve' quality. These images are the work of German designers employed by the aviation companies operating during the Nazi era.
