インターネット調査室: 「Atesh guerrillas in Crimea say they blew up Russian National Guards’ car, killing two officers」

今回は「U.S. General’s Prediction of War With China ‘in 2025’ Risks Turning Worst Fears Into Reality」についてコメントさせていただきます。

The new voice of  Ukraine  : 31 Jan,2023

「Atesh guerrillas in Crimea say they blew up Russian National Guards’ car, killing two officers」:  あらら〜

“In this inherently criminal organization, our people were able to eliminate two very important officers of the Russian National Guard who were rushing from Sevastopol to Simferopol. They didn't make it, they burned in their car.”


“We congratulate our brothers on a successful operation. Although the explosive was homemade, it explodes as well as a regular one does. Well done,” the Atesh message reads


これは、ロシアのベトナム戦争状態ですね~。 他国を甘く見るとこうなりますという見本です。

検索キー: Atesh guerrillas in Crimea say they blew up Russian National Guards’ car, killing two officers
