インターネット調査室: 「Anti-Russia guerrillas in Belarus take on 'two-headed enemy'」 <ー ロシアは、ベラルーシも失うかも?

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AP: 10 Mar,2023

「Anti-Russia guerrillas in Belarus take on 'two-headed enemy'」: あ〜 あ〜

After Russia invaded Ukraine, guerrillas from Belarus began carrying out acts of sabotage on their country's railways, including blowing up track equipment to paralyze the rails that Russian forces used to get troops and weapons into Ukraine.


“Belarusians will not allow the Russians to freely use our territory for the war with Ukraine, and we want to force them to leave,” Anton, a retired Belarusian serviceman who joined a group of saboteurs, told The Associated Press in a phone interview.


The retired serviceman is a member of the Association of Security Forces of Belarus, or BYPOL, a guerrilla group founded amid mass political protests in Belarus in 2020. Its core is composed of former military members.


With the protests still simmering a year after the election, BYPOL created an underground network of anti-government activists dubbed Peramoha, or Victory. According to Azarau, the network has some 200,000 participants, two-thirds of them in Belarus.

“Lukashenko has something to be afraid of,” Azarau said.


Last May, Lukashenko signed off on introducing the death penalty for attempted terrorist acts.


The Russian Federal Security Service "is very unhappy with the fact that information about movements of Russian military equipment spills out into public domain,” Vaitsekhovich said.


“It is hard to say who is in a more difficult position — a Ukrainian in a trench or a Belarusian on a stakeout,” he said.

この調子で行くと、ロシアはベラルーシも失うかも? 今回のロシアの計画は相当脇が甘かったですね。

検索キー: Anti-Russia guerrillas in Belarus take on 'two-headed enemy'
